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i[1^lU'C7sS <br />C;~iCy Cot.inci.l <br />SFpt. 1~~ 14Pi~t <br />I~np, iAo. ~frs< Scal.ze i.nC~.roduced the fol.low~in,; resoluti_on and rnoved :its adopt:ion: <br />81-1.5 <br />(Cont.) R"SOLU7'~ION n?0, 34-9-400 - ~PT~,:0~7I~i(3 THT <br />A~S'SS~1EN'!' 7~: I~II'1>OV~.~I;NT iVO, R'L--15, ADp. <br />5509, D/'!> 55~9 <br />INT`.iRF'',ST P.,1TF; 1.0"/„ PE-~: /\idT'U~^,1 <br />TiaS'CAi.,f,:`1I;~!'C> 11. yTiA;:S <br />The forc~.; resolution roas ~lul~~ seconded by ~1c. ;~or>berg. <br />Ayes (5) Scalce, "orsberr;, '.lanson, Nardi.n~i., F,ihety. <br />'~~ayes (0), <br />Resol.uta-on declare.d adopte~d. <br />9'liis resolut_~ion appe~ir, in Pe,olution ?;~ol< iVa. I7, P~~cs 4L~1 a~d 41.4. <br />'Cubess~i_np, ~~~4r. 'Coe~ I.ubess~i_nP appeiired beFore the Oounc~il requ~st.~i_ng ~approvezl of. <br />Car SaLes .in au~o c~r sale, ticense Cor 120 County Rotxd G. "dr. 'Lu bess~i_n, <br /> pi,irchases dae:~aged autos and then o~holesales thern co aut:o body s~~o p,. <br />A;e1nd8 <br />TCem `20. 5 Mrs, Al~urdini as1<e.d~ the na:nber of employres [.hat aould be wori<in~; on <br /> , <br />the nrem?.ses. Cub . <br />ess~_n~; repl~.ed <br />[:liat he eaould h~ve one <br />ernl~>I.oy~c <br />bes~-des <br /> 11 I!n 5 E.'. ~. ~: . <br />Nlr. l'aheq poi.nted out Phat Chi.s is a per'mii:led usecl under tti2 <br />ordi.nance. <br />`1rs. icx~t~e asketd ho~a lubcssing transported his vehi.c'1es. 'fub~~si_ng <br />rer>7.i.ed en~t he uses a 1-t:on s~.n,Le a~l.e flat: I~~ed truck. Sca].zE~ <br />poi.nted out t:hat thcre. ~i_s not enough room i.n th~~ area for a;erni to <br />turn aroi.inclcoithouC usi.n~, County Road C. <br />Mx•. 'Cubessiila commenCed. t1~~t ,ome vehicles woul.d be stored outdoors, <br />but would be covered aC ell. times. <br />8calze P.e1.t that ther~ca should bc a r~esCri_aC:i.on ot three vehi.cles <br />szored ouCSide at any C.~ime. an~7 tl'~en in the Eenced-i~i area. Also <br />Chere should be a restr~ict:i_on r_hat: no semi_s c2n t>e us~d for }; <br />these cars. <br />Mr. F,71~iey introduced CI.~e fo1lo~.oi.n~ resol.uti.on and move<t :i.ts ado~ti_ona <br />~ Correction RF,S~LU'I'ti0N ~10. S~r9-401. - ~PPI:OVSNG 'CiIP <\t~TO >AL{S <br />' --- <br />res. no. 84-9-423- LtiC'T?NSL'. FOR J.!IpLSSI~fG CAR SALIiS ~Ub 7uCT 'CO T1~tE <br />UL,~~!~7T,R.'S h'ICOA'["~(F,~~UA'('T_O~~S CON'I'ATi?I;D ~Ci? I-IT6 Si°I.L~iSTi?. <br />12, 193~s Rr~P0J,2T ~~D'~ ?d:1.7'ft 1'I-ll3 ~D~T,T.TONAL ST~[PUL,P.'CIOiI; <br />'CF[~T ?'0 MOR~ 'Ct{AN 'f~Jt2i;13 CIAlt3 ~RP, S'PORTsD OIJTSIDi3 ADID <br />'['ili\1 TI^iY ".3~; T6! 'C?1 ~I;NCRD ARP,~ ~ND '1'PA'C ~IN,; APYL,.TCAN7. <br />DOP.S ~10 1~IAIJI.,ING OF PHn. CARS Iv'ITkt A SIiP1~I 'f'f2iJCK AND 'P71,'~A7' <br />'Cf{C Ll1D1DSCAYI.N,^, 0:^ 1~?R PitE~1iSF3S I,f' DONI; IN ,3CC0!?llAAiC43 <br />T~IIT't 'PFIE PLc#N SU)3M7 ~'C'7])< ~ NO HAOLING OF CARS WITH <br />ANYTHING LARGER THAT A-1-TO[V SINGLE AXLE FLAT-BED TRUCK <br />PaP,e -~- <br />