`r I ~IU'C L:,`i
<br />C~i.t~~ Coiinci.l.
<br />;~apto 12, 19£?4~
<br />1'ube.ssi.ng TP~e forep.,oi.n; resotut.ion was dul.y sec.onded by T-~(r. T~'orsberg.
<br />(Canto) Ayes (5) TaF~~.y, ?~'orsber~, Hanson, ~'ardini, Scalze.
<br />„ztyes (Ol.
<br />f?e5ol.uti_on decl.2red adopted.
<br />'Chis reso7.uti.o^ appears ~in ?',esolution I3ook No, 1.1, Pa~~c 415,
<br />'log;;sbreath ~Kr. 'Com Durray appetzra~d beforc the Council reqiiestin,f; ~pproval. oF.
<br />O~~tcloor P,eer an outdoor bcer ~ermit: for 6~mduy, SepCember l.t'> P.rom 1'L A.M, unCi.l.
<br />Pezmi.t b n.NI.
<br />Agenda P4r. Han,on i.ntroduced the f.ol.l.owi.n, resoluti.on and rnovecl its xdopt:i.on:
<br />It:em D?o, 6
<br />fR~iSOLll'CION AiO, °G_g_[E02 - AF'PROVZPiC; Ai7 9UTDOOR
<br />~fi131_ R P1:3MT`( F'nii 1~lO('C:iRRF,A7'll 7~OIZ iU\~DA`f ~ S)'' P[ I,I'iSP. ~
<br />il~ rP0.4 l1 ~.P4. UTCI",Ci., h Y<i~!.
<br />7'he foregoinn resoluti.on was ciul.y seconded by `%Irs, N~rd~ini..
<br />Ayes (5) Hanson, 1~ahey, }~orsber~„ ;calze, Nardin~i.
<br />Naye, (0).
<br />Ye,olut.i.on declared adopted.
<br />Thi.s resol.u~ti_ori appear.s i.n I2eso:Lut~i_on 13oolc DIo. '11, P;aae ~~7.6.
<br />'Chunder llay ~1rs. >ca1zF i_ntroducecl tl~e foll.o~~rinc; resol.uti_on an<i moved its adopt:ion:
<br />Additio~i
<br />_n,f~,SOi,l,l'i'10,`; ?I0. F3[~_~7_4p3 - Rfs tOViDiG FROi~,[ `CAI3Idi
<br />Ap;enda •r}~l, Ti{1iN11r12 !SAY ADDT,i'lON ]?nr[,I~ffNA':Y I?LA'C
<br />ICem rlo. 7
<br />'Che ~°ore~oing resoli.iti_on o~as duly ,econded by ~~1rs, Nard~i.~ti.
<br />.9yes (5) Scal.ze, \ardi.n_i., fl,nson, i~aftey, J~orsber8•
<br />~ Nayes (0).
<br />Resoluti.on de~claa-ed adopted.
<br />'Chi.s resol.ution za~}~ears in Re,ulution ;vok tio, L1, Paf;e 4',U.
<br />7'he L:n~.;ineer iepoet~d Chat the sewer ~Eor. tk~e Tllunder S~ay Adclitton i.s
<br />~i ver.y i.m~~ortant: fac.tor. The property i_s very I1at and the scwer
<br />wi1.1 L~ave to be run in £ro;n Che norCh. It :i.s aLso d.esireable Co eun
<br />thc caater. in ~From the norti~ so that: it can be looped, 7'Fic I:nb.inecr
<br />sCe.ited thiat he saw no ~~roblem wi_th the draina~;e Lor t:h~ area.
<br />~?i'. (;el<a re:ported thlt he would ].i.ke to donale ?5 f~et iess for }~ar'c
<br />C}ian ~ahr.~t 4ias ix:~en rr;~quested. 9'Pae r•eason f:or C:his is Ckiat ot}ierwi.se
<br />he ~anu7.d loose t:wo tots t; seCback ra:~qui.remenCS could not be met on
<br />t~em, 1?ven ~~i.t.h tlte 25 Feet 1ess, ra vari.ance may b~-~. need.ed on t:hese~
<br />two lots }~ecause of: set:b~cl<„
<br />~r1r. Forsberg iiid not: thi_nk Chat Ll~ie City coi.il.d creat_e non-conton~~~ing lots,
<br />P-~ry~, _3.._
<br />