,+~p,!r~cr:^ oo-~ ~rr,r ~.~~,:trs,~~E> ,~,~r,,~;.~•~~,~,
<br />C~[TY COUNCII~
<br />Li.'CTJ ~? C.ANADiA, ',rT',1?I!iS0'CA.
<br />September l9, 198!s
<br />Pur,uant to ~;ue c~al.l ane not~ic~; thereof a taorkshopmeet~i.n7 of Che
<br />Coiinci.l of tPie City of f,itCl.e Can~da, T4innesot~ wa, held on the
<br />19Ch daav of ~eptcmb~r, 1984 i_n the ^ounc:i.7 Chtimbers of Che C:i.Cy
<br />Cencer 1ocaCed 1t 515 7,i_t[:l.e ~annd~ 1?uad i~i s,z~id C~i.C~.y.
<br />~<C~i.n~ ~'ayor- ~fich~aet ^ahey cal7.ed the meeCi.ng to ordcr flC 7:35 P,~4.
<br />an~l 1-1'ir followiny; caere pr<~senC at rol.l. ca11;
<br />Mp;yf73~;,,2; I~RT?Si'.~T;
<br />;,~p;";~i31;~:5 ,~BS;?N~I's
<br />G~LiO ??1?f;>C~;',~7':
<br />1°85 i~lro rrahicy
<br />Bu<1geC Co revi.e~a
<br />`~lorlcshop
<br />9'ne [ir;t
<br />esti~nate<1
<br />budget of
<br />Acti.nn ~.iayor
<br />Coui~ic i lrna n
<br />Counc~.i7.womnn
<br />Counci 1.~aom:~n
<br />pqrtyor
<br />C;i_ty Cler~<
<br />?'ubtic. ~dorics HupC.
<br />Recreati.on Director
<br />Recorrlirig SecreCacy
<br />''!ro Mi.cheaeJ_ '1=ahcy
<br />?!r, i)enni_s rorsberib
<br />^1rso ''fUos i~}Flrdin~i.
<br />`,trs, 3evcrl.y Scal.ze
<br />~,fr, Rayinond !lansan
<br />~'fr. Jose.ph ChlE~beclc
<br />'°ir, Ro<~r~r Glanzer
<br />P4r. Jim M~re~lan
<br />`4rs. ~C~Chleei2 Glanzer
<br />report.ed that P.he ~~>urnose oE toni.Qht's zam~k,nop meeCi_n~; ~aa,
<br />the 19f;5 buds;eC,
<br />catenory foc cons~ideration was 101 N[ayor/COUnci1. 7'he.
<br />I~arl~Y~~t for tha_s cate};ory i.s $(~7,h10, down from thc 19-`~~r
<br />a79,5('0.
<br />'Che Ci_t:y Clerlc poinCed out that th~rea i_s a decrease of i9,000 un<,9~r
<br />Pub11c Of,`i_c.i.al Insurance. Ttie reason ~or t.¢iie i;; that iJ~ie prerni.am
<br />~~.s paid every three ye~r5 :`r,. Scalze .i>ked i_( thes Ci_t_y st~oul.d not
<br />b~ I~ud,~e~~na (R3,OQ0 i.n Lhi_s c.ate~;ory for 1.9£35 so Chat ~.in three eear'~,;
<br />Lime i:he Ci.ty has acc~.~eiulatr:d Che ^,,9,~qp, rather Ciian picki.ng ~i.t up
<br />~i.n one yeai-, The cit}~ Cter'lc recornnien;l.Fd ~agai.nst th:i_s.
<br />Council. d~.sr_ussed iahech~.r ~4;ayor ancl Coune.il salaries ,hould bc>. i_ncse,~sed
<br />~lur~i.n;; 19£35< stx-s, Scalie ;unc;esl~.ed Y:hat- r2~yor and Council salai•ies be
<br />i.n<rc~ised on the sari~~ p<rcen[agc basis is renu~lar ~trnployca salari_e„
<br />(hls orouLd el.i.miii..~te this ~i.L`em as a pol~tical i.s,iie.
<br />tr. Tahey f.el.C the~re sl2outd P~e no inarease ~in 19£35, but felt CPiat Gouncit
<br />sataries shoul.cl be incr~aase~l to t';7.;0 per monLh ~ir~ 1986,
<br />Council. deci.ded Co Cal,<e Ch~i_s rnatt:er under consirlert+t~i.on Eor act:i.on ~it
<br />tiic SepCember 2(i Counci.l meeCi.np;.
<br />'L'he next budget catFPOry ~.s Plunici.pu7. Court 102 7?sti.maCed budget i,
<br />y,'I_7,46fi, ~
<br />Pa~~.,, ._.~,_..
<br />