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N(T~7tJ'Pi'S <br />Ci.l:v Council. <br />Sept. 19, ia£J4 <br />Counei.l. <Liscussed the cost of prose-c~iti.on and -i.t was anai.n si.ignested <br />th::iC .i.f L'iere are areas i.n thc Ci_ty,Chat contr~ibute exccssi.vely to <br />the CiCy's cosC of prosecuti.on, [.he nroner-ty owi~iers sho~.ild be not.iFied <br />and r.queastec! to cto some, aboot thi,. <br />'CPic CiCy Clcrl< <aas requested to ie_s<-~arch thi<, and thc Cc>uncil a <br />re~ort, <br />Phere raere no chan~;es suf;n,ested to Clie ~[un~i.c.i.pa1. Court x.i~lgec. <br />Che nc.v,t category i_s T?lect~ions 7.030 7'hE. estimated budge~ ~_, `;>4,7Q0, <br />'Pne C'1er!c t~eported tiiaC the Ci.ty is mal<~.n; ~i.ts lasC pa~~ment on vot:in~; <br />> in 1.9f3.5, <br />'~'he-re ~aere no cl~it~nges sii>;e.s~ed (or t:his port:~iori of tl~xe bud~eta <br />The ner_t are~ is 7.O4 Office oL (he Clerk witti a~i usCimaf:ed budget of <br />~~;Fit),827, TI~~~ reported ChaC Che P.egular i2rnployee- salar~i.e,.s ~re <br />b~sed on abouC a`i% i_ncxease, '[hi.s repres~-~nt.s about, a Ghi.rd <br />oC thc Cicy C;Leric', and De~~uC~ Clerlc', "fhe rest o[ these <br />~, covcced, in the Sewer and :~7~itcr P,ud~;2ts. <br />Phere was no c.han.~c. sug,-est~~d Lor C.Lis {~orti.on of th~ budhe.P:. <br />'Che~ next catego,ry i.s 1.06 wiCh an estimaCed bi.idneC ior 1~)85 <br />of ~ll.,400< Council Pelc tFiat this porti.on oF the buci~et i~~ay not <br />be i,ysr-.ct to the ctxLent estimaC.ecl as t:ha Planner-'s Punct~i_ons ~nay rlecee.ase. <br />„ 1935e <br />'Cherc were no ch~zng.;e.s rtconiinended for the f'lannin4,; z>ortion of. t.he <br />b~idget:. <br />'I'he nexC cateoory is b01 T'1.~rm~ing/Develope~rs. fhe estim~xCed '1.9£35 <br />7,~iiclveC -i.s ~27.,000. The Ciey Gterk rr~~orCed th~t tl'i:is is a pass <br />Ylirough i t.e~n a> these co ts are p~ie~sed on to c'cvclopers, <br />1.07 C~ity H,~ail ~is t!ie next <at:<~~;ory and hud~eted ai: ';'U,900 {'.or 7.°£35< <br />'Chc Clerlc poinGed out that tele~~hone ahzrges and}~ charges arca <br />est-i_ruatcd P~~igher (or 1935, ~ . <br />'Chere m=erc no cl~ anr,es ,uf;nFSi:etl for Ci_ty Flall. caCCagory, <br />Page -2- <br />