<br />Ci_ty Couiu~il
<br />Sepe. 7.9, 19°4
<br />207. Strec.t, i.r e, ti.m~ited at 4,,'103,340 compared o~LCh `~A6,1~a~0 ~i.n 19R4.
<br />Mr. G1~snzer reported that the reason for the increase is t_hat he
<br />wouLd iilcc to do a 1_i.[.t1e rnore se~~-1.cc~aC~in~q Chsn ae,s done ~i_^ Cl~ie pasC.
<br />Clanzer cocm~ented t:hat Si.s de~~~art,:rnent ltas been fatl~i.nā hehi.nd in tk~i_s
<br />areae Aiso, ~i.n 1.984~ he ~i.s over_>udget:. ~in the aeea of snowp'Lo~rLng ancl
<br />~heref~xe, has ~~r~ov~i.ded f.or a 1~rg<~ ~i.ncreasc i.n Cl~is arca.
<br />'I_'here ae,re no c.hzri~ges L~~rqposer9 Lo~- thi_s porti.on o[ ck'ie Suct,et.
<br />2U5 7'ree R~m<>vai t, esCiinlted at '~8,100 [or 19%?5< Tt~~e Cit~ C~lerlc
<br />c~xpl.ai.nrd Cnat: r:~:osC oL N~iis monE.y comes bacl; t:o Che City exc.ept ~or
<br />Che ~vages of t:he 'I'ree Irasn~ctor.
<br />D?o chnn~es nroposed.
<br />401 R~creat:ion :i_s proposed at: .`,77.5,E~Oq over ~i 19~3~H budF,et of `fi45,4~00,
<br />Council d~i.sci.is,ed whether or not Che Cit.y shoiit<! pay for Che r.c*airin~
<br />of the KeLLoF;g Ilodcey e~tn! s as proposed i.n thc uuds;et., It was poi_nted
<br />out Cl~iat <e11og~ `-I:i.gh Sc~hoo;l. only u,es tl~e rinlc, c!ur~.inc; Che day and,
<br />Cherefore, Che CiCy woulcl probal~l.~ Pinve to pai~ for the, re~ai.rinp, e~,
<br />tlie City uses thF cinlcs at ni~ht.
<br />?[r. T,+ah~y .us;;ested ehaC the CiCy bud;et: for re~~ri.ri_ng t.tie r:[nl,cs, snd
<br />if Che Scl~~oo1. Di.stricC wi_1.1 nart~icipatc, that :is Pi.ne a'Lso.
<br />'4r. N[or~~lan pointerl out that he propo;er,l thcit $]_0,000 be bud;etec!
<br />for l~And zcyuisi_Cion and another n7.0,000 f'or sub,~quent dcrvelopment.
<br />~~.~Ivs. Scnlze poinCed out thaC t'.he money .t ba>-icall.~ f.or tne p~.iechase
<br />of new par(c leznrl and the paark d.edic.at.~i.on Lund i.s ~for.~ che uurch.ise of
<br />Spooner Park.
<br />.~~r. Fahey suagest:ed thaC tl.r,is money be put i_n Che Contin,e~ncy Fund
<br />aiid snould t:he Counc~il wi.sn to piirchasc narl:. l~md, t}ie f~mds couLd
<br />he trt-~nsferred Erom the Contin;ency Pund, Fahey ~l.so :ii~~;ested that
<br />~crnaps t:he i.ssi,ie oE ~~urc.hasing ~dcNl:ional narlc ~Land l~~e puc to a
<br />rc-Len-endurn.
<br />?4r. I'ocsl~~ry; di.d not ehinlc t1~at the c.i.[:y should taice propr:r~Cy oEL tl~ia>.
<br />Cax r<>].1s For par1: proper(:q. t~?t~;, S~.t+lze poi.nt:ec~l ou~ that Che property
<br />the Par'e ~ommi.ssi_on h.is consi.dei.ed is c7~ssi.fi.~-~-d as ei~ri.cultural i:or
<br />t:ax pur~~,~o;es and no~ ~cnerat-i.nn much t:~ix money am~uray.
<br />~ir. h4orel.an poi.nted ouC
<br />Ce~nporary emp1.oqees and
<br />cl.a,si$'i_ctition. rlorel~n
<br />based on a 10% ~i_nr_rease=
<br />th~at he i.s buds;c.L~.m; 9;17,000 for salezr:ies o[
<br />~i.n 19£33 che city sg~~nt ~7.8,000 S.n Chi.s ,ame
<br />sti~tc:d thFit Che 2e,~utar }~,~~~~~LoycE. a~ilary is
<br />ā~;~, _5_
<br />