<br />C~.ty Counci.l
<br />Repc, 19, 7984
<br />Chere ~aer~e no ch~n.;es proposed for Che ;rreet C~.nht sect~i.on of tl~ie
<br />budg~t>
<br />Section ?,52 Sani.t~~tion ind iJaste. is
<br />~"r. Gl.anz~r reported that the reaso
<br />z rai.se i.n r.t~te,s Fac' the durnpse~r,
<br />char~e~J ci.t~irens at. Che d~mipstEr h~
<br />'I'llc'.1'!-: 1•/C?YE' 710 C.'1 tCis;E'.S S~tf,<!E:SCCC`. (OL'
<br />budf;eCed aC $12,100 tor 1985,
<br />~ for L:hF, in<.reasc is c,tue Co
<br />IC ~az; ,ug~~stect t:h~t rutes
<br />incrcased Co »icl,c ~~ip tnF C:=t~'s cost.s
<br />SaniTezti.on dnd 41~sCe,
<br />Section ~02 Storm Sewers i.s ~~ n~~~i c.iC~-~~,ory -i.n tHic budgeP: and e t.i.meted
<br />at ;3,100a
<br />iir. Clanaex reporCed ChaC l~ie
<br />the Steapy Aol7.o~o LiEP: sLati
<br />or cul.verts around Che Ci_Cy.
<br />oP problun =areas that. should
<br />Che ~~13,~100 >>ud~;et woulcl bc~ a
<br />ha5 .u,p,esLed t;li~.i.s c,~itegory t:o cover
<br />m ancl a7.so anq cl~ani.ny of ,torm ,ewei~s
<br />Gl.anz.er stat.ed that Y,here are a l.ot
<br />bc Cal«n care of, y[r. Gl.auzer,~ fel.t tP~ai
<br />st:art~.i_~io area Eor the C:ity.
<br />1_~0 ~i>i.re JeplrC~ent: i.s esti.mate~l at ~£3h,225 c~i~ii.ch i.s about: a`i% inc~-easc~
<br />ovr:r tl~ie 19$4~ bud~et, Counci_1 ret~ues[ed thaC the Ci.ty Cte~r!< checlc ~inco
<br />when t:he meei..ings are held f'or the IZe1.i.c,L 9ssoci.at~i.on,
<br />'Cliere were no chans,es proposr~d Eor Cl~i,is budF;et.
<br />'Phe 151. Pol_'i.ce cate~ory of Che bu~l~;et; ,i., est:i.matted at $235,~4~0, 610
<br />c.?'tP7np;CS ~aC.r;F_ pl'ppo5CC1.
<br />15? F~i.re. ~(ars!~~al is esCim~ted at °~9,5/tl., Again, no channes were pr~opo>ede
<br />C,ategorri.cs 7.53 ~Snspcactions i.s esl~i~n~ted ~it '~?9,i£3l ~nd 15~r Ani_mal
<br />Contr:ot aC ~54,272. 'Chere were no channes propo,e<1 Yor i~ic.se section,.
<br />l.'i5 Ci_vi1 Defense. is estimal.ed ~~t: 9>~,600 ior
<br />commenCed that tlie 'y!ayor tias not appo~ineed a
<br />and thie Publ~ic ?1or1c, Superi.iv_cnden[ ,ias been
<br />Cne t;iinc be-i-ng. There we're no changes nro
<br />(>~~;~~~ -C~-
<br />t9as. T~,,~ c~r.y cz~~-i<
<br />Civi7. Defenso 17i_r~~cCO~c
<br />4i~ndlin~ thi_s zicea for
<br />>o>ed i.n the bud~;eC,
<br />