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Mznv~rrs or Tiir i~rcuLna Mr:,rTTr~c <br />crrx couNCt~, <br />LIT'CLT CANADA, MINN}TSOTA <br />SePtembc~r. 26, 1984 <br />PursuanC to due call and notice ther.eof a reguLar meeting of the. <br />Council oL the C:Lty of I,iCtle Canada, hl~innesota was helct on the <br />26th day oE September, 1984 in the Counci.l Chambers of, the Ci.ty <br />Center Locatect at 515 Li.ttle Canada ]toact i.n sai.d City. <br />Ap,enda AcCing Mayor Michaet i'ahey chair.ed the meeCin~; and calLed i.C to <br />Item No. 1 order. at 7:30 P.M. and the Lollowing were present at roll call: <br />Agenda MP;MI3F,RS PRESF.N'P: Act~ing Mayor Mr. Michrael Fahey <br />ICem No< 2 Councilman Mr, Dennis Porsberg <br />Counci.lwoman Mr.s. Mugs <br />Counci.l.woman Mrs. J~ever.l.y Scalze <br />MEMIIERS AT3SCNT: Mayor Mr. <br />ALSO PRFSENT: City Cl.erlc Mr. <br />City Attorney ~1r. <br />Consulti.n~; Engi.neer Mr. <br />City Planner Mr. <br /> Secretary Mrs <br />Raymoncl ktanson <br />JosepF~ Chl.ebeck <br />Thomas iweeney <br />Donalcl Carley <br />David Licht <br />Katkileen Gl.anzer <br />Approval Mrs. i.ntroduced the f.ollowi.n~; resolution and moved i.ts adopt:ion: <br />Of The <br />Mi.nutes RPSOLUTION N0. £34-9-427_ - APPROVING <br />THT: MTNIITES OT TgT' S~PTliM13ER 5, 1984 <br />Agenda SPI?CIAL COUNCIL MEPTING <br />Ztem No. 3 <br />The [ resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. Porsberg. <br />Ayes (4), L'orsberg, Scalze, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared acloptcd. <br />'Chi.s resolut:i.on appears in ResoluC:ion Ilool< Cdo. 11, Page 436, <br />Mrs. iJ~rdini. suggested Chat on page 10 of Che September 17 minutes, <br />Sth paragraph, it should be refl.ected that a 9-ton road ~oill. be <br />constructed, rather than a sttoulder, <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that on page 2, the bottom par.agraph, the <br />resoluti_on shoul.d ~i.ndi.cate that there is to be no of car; <br /> lar.ger than a 1-tion single-ax7.e t:ruck< <br />Mr. Pahey i.ndicated that on page 9, seconct to tlie lzxst paragraph, <br />the statement "because the Ci.ty AtCOrney ac3vised the Ci.ty that iC had <br />no Uasis to ref:~se the turnover of Demont i>y the County under State <br />law" should be added ro the end of the fi_rst sentence, Also, the <br />lasC sentence in that paragraph should be struclc from the record. <br />~ Page -1 <br />` <br />