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MINUT'ES <br />City Council <br />Sept. 26, 1984 <br />Plinutes <br />(Cont.) <br />Mrs. Nardini inCroduced the resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 84-9-423 - A}'PROVING <br />THE MINUTES OP 'LHE SEPTEM73ER 12, 1.984 <br />COUNCIL MEETING WI'LII 'CFIE OIJTL~INPD CORRPCTIONS <br />Midwest <br />Spring <br />Catch liasin <br />& Area <br />Drainage <br />Problem <br />A~enda <br />Item Dlo. 4 <br />'.Che r.esol.ut:ion was dul.y seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Fahey, Scalze, Nardini, Forsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resol.ut.i.on I3ooi< No. Ll, Page 437. <br />'Che City Clerk reporCed that Midwest Spr:ing has requested Co connect <br />to a catch basin ~i.n thei.r area S.n order Co al.l.eviate a drainage <br />problem in thei.r parlcint; lot. <br />The Engineer. recommended approval. oE the request. <br />Mr. Porsberg poi.nted out that there is also a drai.nage problem at <br />the trai.ler court in thi.s area and felt that the P,ng:ineer shoul.d <br />loolc i.nto thtis. <br />Mrs. Nardini i.ndicated t:hat the 13u11ding Depar.tmenC has pictures o£ <br />the drai.nage pr.oblem at the trailer court, <br />Mrs. Nardini. i.ntroduced the f.o7.l.owing resolution and moveci i.ts <br />RESOI,lJTION N0. 84-9-424 - APPROVIP]G 'C41B <br />CATCH AASIN CONNIiCTION OP SOiJTti OWASSO <br />t~LVD. AS REQUF.STIiD T3Y MIDW3?ST SPRING <br />COMPANY IN ACCORDANCIi 6dIT11 THE RFCOM^SI?NDATION <br />OP TI[E CI7'Y PNGINEI:R <br />7'he foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (~F) Nardini, Scalze, Pahey, Porsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resoluti.on T~oolc No. L1, Page 43£i, <br />Mrs. Nardini introducect the followi.n~; resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />RF.SOLUTION N0. II4-9-425 - INSTRtJC7'ING 'PHli <br />CTTY L.NGINEZR TO 12EVIGW THG DRAINAGP PRO73LEM <br />THAT IS IN PXIS'LL'NCP; AT TH6 TRAILER PARIZ IN <br />'i'H~ AREA OP SOIITH OWASSO I3LVD. <br />Page -2- <br />