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rTZNU'rrs <br />c;~y c~u„~~t <br />Oct, 10, 1984 <br />,Durray PUD Mr. 7tanson st2ted that t:kie property owners may have a case for <br />(Cont.) abaCement of taxes, <br />Pahey st:ated that the Ci.Cy can approve the project su6jecC Co the <br />approval of: curb c~CS and ~in the meantime, the Ci.Cy can a~>peal the <br />County's stand with the County F3oard. <br />l~ahey questioned why the County Engi.neer felt there o~as a px~oblem <br />emd t}.ie Ci.ty I;ng:ineer did not. Mr. Carley re;~li.ed that Mr, Durray <br />has taken care of the clrai.nage f.or hi.s property and shoul.d be <br />al.l.owed to deveJ.op. Mr, Carley stc~ited that Mr. Durray should not <br />be hel.<I responsibi.l.e for the drai.nage pzoblem on Y.he wltole of <br />Demont Street. <br />:(r. I~ahey 9.ntroduced the resol.uti.on and moved its acioptiona <br />IU3SOLUTION N0. 8/r10-473 - APPROVLNG 'CHL; <br />PUD FOR A SIiLP'-SERVZCG CAR idASl[ ON LOT 5, <br />BLOCK l, TROWIIRIDGI; AUDI7':LON AND GI,2AN'CENG <br />A CONJ)ITIONAL USE PFiRMI'C FOR OL'P-SITli <br />PARtQNG ON LOT 4, E7LOCK 1, 9'ROWBRIDGE <br />ADDITION SUBJIiC"f. 7'0 TFiI: RECOiIMT:NDATIONS <br />OI' 'L'}iF, CI"['Y ,PLANNGR <br />'Che f:oregoing resolution was dul.y seconded by Mrs. Scal.ze, <br />Ayes (4) I'~hey, Scalze, Han,on, Forsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />P1rs. Nardini abstai.ned, <br />Resolution deciared adopted. <br />'Chis resolution appears i.n ,l2esolution Book No. 11, Page ~ag6. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze agai.n sug~;ested that the Ci.ty wri.te to the County I~oard <br />on this matter. P-Ir. P'ahey agreed and sug~;ested that the County Board <br />be asked to reconsider the recommendation of the County Eng~i.neer. <br />'i'he lingi_neer stated that he £e1C Mr, Durray should not have to plan <br />the draina~;e Lor the whol.e of Demont Street. <br />Mrs. Scalze int:roduced Che Lollowing resoLuti.on and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />RPSOLUTION N0. 8~4-10-~t7~F - I~STRUCTINC, 'CHG <br />CITY C1,ERK TO SL'DID LL"C'CE1Z5 TO TtIP RAMSL'Y <br />COtJNTY 130ARll M~NII3tiRS INFORMING T1{EM THAT Tlj~ <br />C7'PY I1AS APPROVFD TIiE I)U12RAY PROJF?,CT AND <br />REQUESTING TH~'C THEY Rk;CONSIDER THE RECOMME:IDATIOPI <br />OP THLIR ENGINEERING ll~PAI2'Ct~f~NT TN 'CI{IS MATTER <br />The resoluti.on was duly seconded by N(r. T'ahey. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Fahey, Itanson,, Forsberg. <br />Nayes (0). Resolution decl~rect adopCeci. <br />Thi.s resolution ~pp~~irs in Reso~l.ution Book T]o. 11, Pa~e 4~87, <br />Page -3- <br />