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M~INIJ'PPS <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />Occ. 10, 19fl4 <br />Thunder. Bay Mrs. suggested that the Council, hol.d ofP on discuss~i.on of <br />Addition Thunder Tiay Addi_ti.on unti.l after the Parl.< Commi.ssion rneeCinge The <br />Paric Comm:i.ssion will be cons:i.dering the of the cul-de-stic <br />Agenda at the encl oE ti~~ str.eet extendi_n; i.rito the Ci.ty's parlc property< <br />T.ten, rlo, 6 <br />Mr. T'orsber~; s4:atecl that. the Publi_c Worlcs Superintendent i.nformed <br />him that the purchaser of t:he k~ouse on the cul-de-sac i.s not happy <br />~oith the si.tuat:ion. IC was suggest:ed thari: thi.s party be invi.ted <br />at the next Council meeting cohen the matter wi.l.l be di.scussed. <br />32 & S Coimci.l. recentl.y tabl.ed acti.on on t_he R& S auto salvage yarcl proposal <br />Auto Salvage imti.l there was a full Council. presente <br />Yard <br />Mrs< Scal.ze i.ntrocluced the resol.uti.on 1nd moved i.ts adoption; <br />A~enda <br />Item AIo. 7 RESOLUTION N0. 84-10-475 - RFiMOVING PROi1 <br />TABI.E THP R& 5 REQUEST POR COD]DT'CTONAL <br />USP 7lis,RMIT I'OR AN AUTO SALVAGE YA12p <br />'Che f:or.egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze,, Hanson, i~ahey, Por.sberp,. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution decl.ared adopted. <br />7'his resolution eppears :i.n I2esoluti.on Book No. 11, Page 48F3, <br />Mr. Fahey poi.nted out that some of the recommendations contai.ned in the <br />Planner's reporC on Che R& S proposal are that the roac! i.ssue be <br />resolveci, that the three parcel.s be combined :into one, a landscape <br />plan be submi.tted, the i.ssue anct that securi.ty Ue posted to <br />ensure that a17. improvements are done. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze aslced i£ the Council was going to put a li_mit on the number <br />of. cars al.lowed. <br />Mr. Fahey suggested that the conditional use permi.t run f:or a year so <br />that the City can loolc at the si.t:urati.on aC the end oE that t:ime. <br />Pahey also felt that t:he numt>er of cars should be restr.i.cted. <br />T~ir< I~orsberg suggested that: the cars be l.i.mzted to single-stac(ci.n~ <br />only. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze su;~est:ed t:hac the matter of cars parlcing on a City street <br />shoul.d be addressed. Scal.ze Eelt that the cul.-de-sac shoul.d be posted <br />no-parlcin~;. Mrs. Nardini. agreed. <br />T4r. 'I.,i_1oe reported that the employees o£ Myers are the ones, <br />on the cul-de-sac z~nd not I2 & S, althou;h R F 5 ocans Che Myers bui.ldinge <br />Pape -4- <br />