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10-10-84 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
10-10-84 Council Minutes
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J-tt?vu~rrs <br />c; cy cot~n~~ i <br />Oct. l.o, 1984 <br />Ci.rculat:ion Mrs, Scalze sCatecl that the road issue has been brought u~ becai.ise <br />7?lan (Cont:.) there are businesses i.n Che area Chat wani: Co expand. <br />Forsberg fe1C that the C:i.ty had an a~reement wiCh McGou~h for the <br />road easement i.f the City cuants one, and theat ?4cGough cliscussed <br />this with Che Council. and indi.cated tY~at they would move a secti.on <br />of f:ence at the a road went in, <br />Mr., McGough stated thaC they were opposed to the road wiChout knowing <br />how the property ~aou].d devel.op Pi.rst. <br />P9r. Pahey statecl that hi.s thought was that Che City would 12y out <br />a p1an. Fahey sCate<t Chat he is not i.n Eavor of the road ~oi.n; <br />throu~h at t.hi,s time. <br />.^4rs. Scal.ze stated that the Ci.ty should get the coad easfinents even <br />if the road i_s not builc at thi.s< <br />i4r.. 7.i.lge astced i.f the bus~i.nesses coul.d be ~.;uarantecd thai: if. they <br />give the easement now, the Ci.ty wi.11 not want an additional roa<i when <br />the Gerva:is pr.operty develops. <br />Pir. Hanson suggested T.hat the businesses could prov~ide a gravel. road <br />and mai.ntain i.t Por emergency access, but no f:urther permi.Cs <br />woul.d be i.ssued unti.l the road was 6laclctopped. <br />^1r. }~ahry agreed. k~ahey stated that thi.s ~oould be zi bet:ter si_t;uatiott <br />than what the Ci_ty ),ias right noco, <br />Mr, T4cGough stated that he was wi119.n~; to consi.der this. McGough <br />sug~ested thac the busi.nesses talk thi.s over. <br />Scalze stated that the easements should be ~;ranted to t:he City< <br />~Ir. ]tanson poi.nCed out that under CiCy ordi.nance, the CounciJ. ~aould <br />not be alLowed to i.ssue additional buildi.n~; permi_ts unt:tl the road <br />i.s bladcCOOned. <br />Mr. Deeb aslced why the road hacl to be so wide. l~lanson replied that. <br />the Citq has to plan for future devel.opment anci provide enouf;h room <br />f:or semi.s comi.n~; :in< <br />C4r.. Fahey sugnested that the matter be tabled for Cwo weeks to give <br />the businesses the opportunity to cliscuss Che matt:er amonY themselves. <br />P~hey sup~esCed i:hat the ri.F;ht-of:--way Por the road be 50 feet and <br />4~0 feet Che A. C. f3l.ack pr.operty< Also t)te C:i.ty woul.d pave a, <br />close as k~ossi.ble to the r.ailsoad ri.ght-of-way, <br />It coas po:inted ouC that R<'~ S~oi.l.l be al.lowed to operat:e their salvage <br />yard iS the easements are granted for the road. <br />Page -~-. <br />
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