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MINll7'tiS <br />City Council <br />Oct, 7.0, 7984 <br />Ci.rculati.on The 12ngi.neer stated that i.f a1.7. th:is were done, the Ci.ty woul.d <br />Plan (Cont.) tal<e care oE Che prob].em at the parlc at the same <br />time. <br />~Ir. Iianson stated that wi.thout any road Provi.s:ions, the Ci.ty cannot <br />issue any further buil.ding permi.t:s in the area. P4r. 1~ianson stated <br />thaC the City is trying to plan f:or Che future in this areao <br />N[rs. Scal.ze commented that at the McGouSh caas granted a permi.t <br />for outdoor storage, they stated that they would be agreeable to <br />a road going throu~;h this area. Scalze thought that this was a <br />conctiti.on of the conditional use per.m:i.t. <br />Mr.. Deeb stated that he would much rather see a gravel. road through <br />thi.s area. Deeb po9.nt:ed out that if the City cannoC i.ssue <br />permiCS i.n the ar.ea, i.t will loose tax money and businesses can <br />store i.n tra:ilers r.ather than adding on to their bui_1di.ngs. <br />Mr< Deeb stated that he f:eels that when the Gervais property is sol.d <br />and clevelops, the road issue ~oi.ll come up ap,ai.n, and the busi.nesses <br />do not caant to be faced another r.oad comin~ through. <br />Mr. I31ac1c of A, C< I31ack staT.ed that he cannot accept al.ternative 1/5 <br />as shown. <br />Mr< I'ahey suggestcd that Che road easement coulci be shortened i.n thi.s <br />area. <br />'['he Engi.neer suggested that a 1.5 f.ooC boulevard be pl.aced between <br />the Lilactc and the road and a 5 foot boul.evard ~.tlon~ the <br />rai.lroaci ri~;ht-o£-way. <br />Mr. Ilanson aslced i.£ there was any need for a boulevarcl a1on~; the rai.lroad <br />ri.ght-~of-way, 'Phe I;ngineer su~;ges[ed that a few feet be ret;ained. <br />Mr. Deeb felt Chat nothing should be done ~vith the road issue unless <br />it involved the property, Nir. rahey pointeci out that the Gervai, <br />properCy can develop a cul.-de-sac< <br />Mr, Deeb suggested a 33 fooC oravel road, Mr., ].~or.sberg did not f.eel <br />the City should all.ow th:is type of. roac! f.or an ~i.ndustrial park, <br />Krs. aslced if the City coulci geT. an easement from the railroad. <br />The Engineer thought this would be unlilcely. <br />Mr. Deeb aslced if the grade had been shot :in the area of R& S. The <br />Engineer repli.ed that :i.C was done a couple o£ years ago and the road <br />was not feasibl.e i.n thi.s area< <br />The Engi.neer stated Chat he i.s proposinn a 30 Loot blaclctop f.or the <br />roaci, <br />Page -~- <br />