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rzl:nnrrrs oz ~rn~: ~t~cul,n~i rn.r:,~r:r.Nc <br />c.r•rY couvczt, <br />r,rr~~c,;: cnNnr~n, Miu~~rso~rn <br />Anrnda <br />Item No. i. <br />,9,enda <br />[tem I4o. 2 <br />Approval. OL <br />'Che Mimites <br />F~genda <br />Item No. 3 <br />fence ~rnt <br />rxten,i.on <br />~t;enda <br />Item No. 4 <br />Pursunne to cal.l and not:i.ce thereof a regular meet~ing of Che <br />Council of tkie C~ity of Li.Ctle Car~lda, Ttinne~sota was llel.d on Che <br />24t:h dmy of Oceobery 1984 ~in the Coimci.l Chembers o£ the Cit:y <br />Center ].ocated at: Sl5 LiTtl.e Canada Roac] in ,Aicl Ci.ty. <br />Octobcr 2~E, 1934 <br />Mayor Raymoncl Hanson cha~ired the meetin~; zind cal.led to order <br /><~t 7:30 Y.P4. and the *s~rF ~r.esent at ro11. cal.l: <br />~i}iT4BPRS P':PS1iN'Co <br />Mayor <br />Counc.i.Iman <br />Council~ooman <br />Counci.l.woman <br />P4r< Rayrnond ilzmson <br />Mr< Denni.s Porsberg <br />Mrs. TQugs <br />'?rs. Fic:ver7.y Scalze <br />M[;M`3E;R; Al3SENTc <br />~LSO PRPSF;NT: <br />Counci.lman <br />Ci.Cy Cl.erk <br /> Attor.ney <br />City F.ngi.neer <br />Ci.ty nlanner <br />Recording, Secretary <br />P4r. T7:ichael Fnhey <br />P4r'. .Toseph Chlc>beck <br />~fr. Thomas Sweeney <br />n1r. Donald Carley <br />Mr. Steve ~,ritt:man <br />Mrs. KaChl.een C1t~nzer <br />Mrs> int:.roduced tk~e fo7.lowin~; resolot:i.on and moved i.[:s ~dopt.~ion: <br />12ESOLUITON N0. 84-10-48f3 - Al'PItOVING <br />T1dE P9INUTT;S OF 7'H7? OCTOPrR 1.0, 1.9£3G~ <br />COIJNCTL 14EF,9'ING <br />The f~oregoing resolut~ion was duly seconcl~d by Mr. Hanson, <br />Ayes (~s) Nard:ini., Elanson, Scal.ze, I~orsberg, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolut~.i.on adopted< <br />This resolution appears in kesol.ution Book Dlo, 1.1, Page 501< <br />A7r, Hanson openect the public hearing on tkie proposed amendment to the <br />ordi.nance allocoing fence arm extensi.ons to exCend out~aard, 'Chere was <br />no one presenC wishi.n~ to comment on the .amenctment:. <br />P~lrs. Dilydini introduced the resolution and moved i.ts adoptiona <br />12)iSOLU'CIOtI N0, £34-10--4`~9 - CI,OSING <br />Tft~; ,PUBLIC A~ARSNG ON 'CI~T3 PROPOS]?D <br />TI?XT A~1f3NDMI.iN7' T:GGAP,DIN~ 1'1sNC1: ~F2M <br />kiX'Li:NStONS <br />The £ore~oi.n.~ resolut.iorl was duly secondeci by P4r.< Porsber.p,. <br />Ayes (4), Torsberg, Scalie, }[anson. <br />Nayes (0). Resolut.ion decl.ared adopted. <br />'Chi.s resoluC~i.on appears in Resoli.ition i3ootc No. 11, Pap,e 507< <br />Pag,e -1- <br />