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r~ cvu•rrs <br />c;.ty c~U„~~i. <br />Oct. 7_ta, 19f3~4 <br />T'ence Arm Mrs. Scal.zc commented that t_he Planning Commission voted i.n favor of <br />F,xtensions th:is amendmene. Scal.ze also comn~ended the Pl.annin~ Commi.ssi.on f:or <br />(Co~~C.) the ~ob they did :in revicwi.n; this proposal as wc1.7. as the one on <br /> o~en storage. <br /> Mrs. Scnlze ~aslced :tf the extensi.on of the arms of a fence would be <br /> in,i de thc property 7.ine under the ordinance. :Ir> Grittman renl.ied <br /> that i.t would, <br />P1rs, Nard~ini. st~ted that thi.s i.s true oL the P-IinnesoY.a ~Lin~i-Storaga <br />fence arms, <br /> hi,rs. Nardind. introduced the f.ol.lowing ord~i_nanc.e ~nd moved i.tS adoption: <br />~correction 242_ * <br />Res. No. ~ ORDINANCP N0. 7.-C~~ - A~1EDID:CNG SE3C'L'ION <br />84-11-505. 903<02p.F. 8.b. RI~IGIJL,AT'LNG T'I?N CE F1'RM <br /> F,X9'T;NSIONS OP TI~ISs LOT2I.~G COi)l.i OT.~ Tt-I'E <br /> CAUNICT.PAL COD$ OF "CIll7 CT'CY OP LI'f.7'LL, <br /> c~,rr~ne <br />The for<a~oing ordinance was duly secorided by 44rs. Scalz.e. <br />Ayes (4) Nardini., Scal.ze, 1-lanson, Forsberg. <br />Nziye; (0). <br />Orcli.nance declared adopted. <br />M~inne:sota Minnesota r~tini.-Storage has appli.ed tor a vari2ncc~ for thei.r fence. arms <br />," exCend outarard. 1Ar. Ilanson poi.nted out thztt <as ttie Counci.l <br />Fencc jusC adoptec( Che ordi.nance t:o a11.ow f:or thi.s, the var:i.ance :i.s no lon~er <br />necessary. <br />A~;enda <br />I.tem nIo< 5 <br />Wood1.yn ~ve. Mrs, Sc~iLie i.nCr.oduced the £olloaing resolution ancl moved ~its adopt~ion: <br />Circulation <br /> RESDLUT'~I;ON N0. £34-10-490 - f3CZINGING 'PO <br />'CABLG Ttlli S700p7.,XN AVt;NU[; C:CRCULATIOD; ,PI,AN <br />Agencla <br />Item Nu. h 'Che foregoinp, resoluCion ~aas duly seconded by Mr, Flanson, <br />Ayes (4) >cal.ze, i12n:aon, T'orsUerg, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolation declared radopted, <br />This resol.uti.on appear.s i.n Resol.uti.on 73oo~~c ~o. 11, L'a~;c 5O3, <br />Mrs. Scalze potinted out: that the Fng~ineer has :indi_caCed Chat i.f ~ind when <br />the Gervais pro~erty develops, the. Ci.ty should obtai.n cert~~i.n easemenCS, <br />,T,he nngineer s[at:ed that if the C~ity were t:o obtai.n these easements <br />no~.~, it would have to buy them, If the easemenCs ~vere obtai.ned when <br />the Gervai.s properCy develops, then the C:ity would get thFm for notl~ing, <br />D1rs. Scalze astced ~if tl~ierF 4ias ~,i.ncreased <level.ooment in lh~ idoodlyn <br />Avenue area, if the e~sements would be necessar.y noor. <br />p~oe _2_. <br />