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~ flNtl'CtsS <br />Cit:y Counci.]. <br />Nov. l4, 1.984. <br />73ond Sale <br />Charles <br />Flcl~li.tion <br />Agenda <br />:[tem ~!o. "Li <br />T1r.Pr,~ad Parnharn oP ,7uran "~ D4c>odq a~peared before the Counctl wtth <br />regard t:o the l~ond s,al.e ,for "[mprovement No. ti3-19, Charles F~dd:i.tior~. <br />;6r. Furnh~un presenced, the Councfl the det~zil.s of Che s<il e and <br />reported that the net effee[ ~i.nCerest rate i.s b~ici at: 9./45%. <br />Mr. !~tanson point:ed out that the assessment for t:hi.s ~Lmnrovement i.s <br />a 100% assessment, ~ <br />~4r. Tarnh~im presentecl Che Coi.mcil the cas;~ f7.ocv ~n tl~e bond ~nd <br />explained the delail,. <br />hlr, l~eirnham reporCed Chat the Cracling departm~nt of Juran c~ rQoody i.s <br />Che onl.y bidder on Che boncl, Jurar~i 2nd i`7ood~ is submi.CCing a negot:i.ater.l <br />bi.d. 'Cl~ie bi.d i.s based on markeC, over Che l.ast: f:ea day,. <br />~~trs. ~ardini. aslcerl if the. bond was too sma11 t:o se~11 pub].:icnlly. <br />iir. ~6'arnPiam repli.ect t:hat ;iC cvould be too to sell. t:he bond <br />pi.iblically, Parnham presented the Counci.l a listing of sale> Ctiat. <br />orer~ made s~i_nae the first of Che month. <br />Mr. Fatley askecl Che rating on the bond< P4r. Farnharn explained t:haC <br />as ~it ~aoul.d co,C about ~1,200 Lor a, ~it was f:e1t: Ch~t Chis <br />would t~c a o~aste of money i_n this i.nstance< <br />Mr. Pahey introducecl the following resolution ~~nd moved it, adopCion: <br />StP_SOLUTION N0. 84-i'L-506 - ACC€:PTING 'CHIS <br />13ID OI' JURAN & ~400DY, ~L~C. ;•IITH 'LkII:', N7?T <br />]?l~P~?C'CTV!? I?I'Ci;REST t:A1'ii 017 9,45 P};P.Ct?DIT <br />Ai~1D AU'i,'HORIZ7:t~](, Ttl`Z ~1F.YqIZ AND GI'CY CI,P•,RK TO <br />SIG\ 'CFII': COiJT'I;ACI' FO?Z 'CNii SAI `? OP I'IIE P,OAIDS <br />`~OR IMP. ~f0. 83-19 rilF~li(.,P;S ADD1'i'IOV S(!i3J;iC!' <br />TO T!{F, t1YPROVnI, ~F TiIIs CITY Al"I'0;?C~~fiY <br />'Che Lore~oing r~sol.uti.on was duly seconded by ~1r,., <br />Ayes (4~) }~~1~iey, Nardin-i., Flanson, Scal.ze. <br />Na~es (0). <br />Pesolution decLared adopted. <br />'Chi, rasol.uti.on appears ~in Resol~.ition 13001< No< 11., Paoe 519. <br />Mr, Pahey intsoduced Che, resoluti_on and moved its adopt:i.on: <br />7:F;S~I,U'I'IODI i~IO. 84-7.1.-j07 - PROV7DII~7G <br />FOR T1~I,P, LSSJAVCE; AND SALL^', 0'P d105,000 <br />Gi?NF,RAi, 0';I.,7:GA'i'IO~I I~iPROVF~~O?\'I' I30NDS <br />qr ~198q <br />'Che tore~oin~; resolut:i.on wds d~.i1y seconded by C~(rs. <br />Ayes (4) Pahe~,, ftrinson, Scal.ze. <br />Nayes (0), Res~luC:i.on declared adopted, <br />Thi_s ecso7.iiCion appears in Resolution TSoolc No. 17., Pages 5?_0 through 537. <br />Pa€~~'- -~-- <br />