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P1INU'C;? i <br />City Counc~Ll <br />Nov. 14, 1.984 <br />VacziC~,ion Of, l~ir. I~t~inson q~eneci e11e nubl.;ic kiear~in~; on tiie vacation o[ cart~aay <br />CarCway easemettts ~in t!ie Round Latce Overl.ook Add~iti.on. Thi.s vacati.on kias <br />I'asemenes been requested 'oy Plr< 'L'ran',c rrattalone as the ~asements are nresentinry <br />Round Latce problems in rnortp,ages on tne property. <br />Overlook <br />/~ddi_ti.on 'Chcre was no one pr~sent objecti_n~, to the vacat~ion of Cnesc easemerit.:,. <br />Agenda Ptr;. ' i.ntroduced [:hie fol.] xesoluti.on end moved ;its adopt:i.on: <br />7Lem No. G <br />gF.SOL,U'rTODt N0. 8t~--],l-SOH - CLOSIPiG '!'ttE; <br />PUBT,Ir N~ARING ON 'C1:1F PE~POSED VA(;A'fI0"? <br />~ 07' CA'2'i'~dAY iiA`>[P~tb;b79'S IN TNE ROLlND LAK~ <br />0913RI,O~IS ADDI.7'ION <br />'Che EoreF;oinr; cesolution ~aas du7.y seconded by Mr,s, ScaLzc. <br />Ayes (4), Scal.ze, It1nson, F.ahey. <br />~iayes (0). <br />Pesolution declared adopeecl. <br />T.his reso:lution appe.ars i.n ResoLut:ion S3oolc \o. l.i, Page 533, <br />14rs. icalze ~i.ntrocl~.iced the fol.towi.n~ rrsol.uCi.on and moved -i.ts ,adoption; <br />2I;SOLUTIOAI v0. &4-11-509 - AP7?ROVIiVG <br />'Cf~lr t/ACl1TI061 Of~ ClU2'I?1L1Y I?AS1'si4P•.NT i]:N <br />TI-L,T ):OUND S~AKE pVFSZI.,00K ADC`?:'I'TON AS <br />0?:>CItTFII'sD TN 'Cilli N07'ICI: OF HPARTNG <br />The foreUoing resoluti.on was dul.y seconded by "?rs. Nardi_ni.. <br />~1yes (4) Scalze,, Hanson, PahE:y. <br />r7ayc~;s (0). <br />Resolut:i.on declared adopted. <br />Tkiis resolution ~~pears in Besol.uti_on ~oolc No. 7.1, paf;~ .539, <br />St. ,7ude r7r. ~4ark Stevens of St:. Jude ~~leclical appeared before Che Coimcj.l. <br />r~ledi_ca1. requesting pennission to use a mob~lehome as a ternporary office <br />Temporary unti.l. an ex.isCin~; can be vacated by its present: tenant. 'Che. <br />0£f1.ce present trnant's lease exp~i.x~es on t!!ay 31, 19.35, <br />h) <br />Aflenda ;~fr. F'ahey inCroduced the follow~ing resolut~i_on and moved its aidopt~ion: <br />:[tESm No. 5 <br />12i?SOI,U7'~fODI n'f0. 34~-11-57.0 - APPr,OVING 'ChIT; <br />l:,;Mnr)I2ARY US','s OI~' A J~[OP,II_7:HOT4); AS A'I'l~,"~iPO`t[\RY <br />0'EIPICE L';):Tt iT. ;fUDti P~[1:DTCl~T„ YOR';TON LOCA1'TON <br />P~tyf -3- <br />