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r1INUTES OI' TIIT? RI?G[JL,Att ^1F~,fiT'ING <br />CI'CY COIJNCiL <br />I~IT'CLP. CANADA, P4INNFSOTA <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 1 <br />Ag,enda <br />Item No. 2 <br />Approval <br />Of. The <br />2Rinutes <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 3 <br />Tom's Auto <br />Sa1es <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 4 <br />Pur.suant to due call. and noti.ce thereof.' a regular of: the <br />Council of the Gity of Little C~.inada, Minnesota was held on the <br />1?.th day of December, 19F3[F in the Council Chambers oE the City <br />Center I.ocated at 515 Li[t1e Canada i"3oad i.n said City. <br />December 1.2, 19E34 <br />Mayor. Raymond llanson chaired the, and called i.t to order <br />at 7:32 P.M. and the Lol.l.owing members were presenL at rol.l. cal.l.: <br />i4,EM,13PRS PRESENT: <br />ALSO PRPSF.NT: <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />Councilman <br />Council.woman <br />Counci.lcvoman <br />City Clerlc <br />City Attorney <br /> Engineer <br /> Secretary <br />T1r. ~taymond Hanson <br />Mr. Mi.chael Pahey <br />Mr. Denni.s Forsber~ <br />Mrse Mugs Nar.ciini <br />Mrs. Reverly ScaLze <br />Mr. Joseph Chlebeck <br />~Ir< Jaines 0'Connor <br />Mr. Donald Carley <br />Mrs. Kathl.een Glanzer <br />Mr. Pahey introducecl the f:ollo~aing resoluti.on ancl moved its adopti.on: <br />RPSOLII'LION N0. 84-12-453 - APPROVING THG <br />MINUTES OP' 'CRE NOVPMJ3T'R 28, 1984 COtJNCIL <br />MEETING <br />'Che f.oregoing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. P'orsber~;. <br />Ayes (51 Pahey, Porsberp,, klanson,, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resol.ut:ion appears in Resoluti.on I3oolc No, 11, Page h01. <br />Mrs. ScaLz,e pointed out that [he Cotmci.l di.d not the information <br />on the Tom's Auto Sales parlcing proposal unti.l tonight's< Scalze <br />stated that she di.d not caant to take acti.on on t}ie proposal until she <br />has reviewed the inf.ormation. <br />Mr. Spedcmann, attorney f.or ~1r. Tom Tubbesin~;, appeared before the <br />Council. Specicman s,tated that Mr. Tubbesi.n~; wants to cl.arify the <br /> that is on the site. Tubbesing i.s not changing the dimensions <br />of. the lot at a11. <br />Mr. Speclcmann explai.ned that P4r. has changed the location of: <br />the office space wi.thin the and has added a couple of. p,arage <br />doors, This has provided additional space for parking ~aithin the <br />buildinp,. <br />Page -1- <br />