<br />C:i.ty rounci',t
<br />Jan. 23, 1985
<br />Sol.:ici.COrs "7'hc Ciey Cl.erk ~sI<ecl the Counc:i.J. Eor ~ clar:i_fi.c~ti.on of so1.i.c~iCOrs.
<br />Agenda It oras the fcasli.ng o,F t}~e Cotmc~.i1 CY~aC tlte C~iCy shoul.cl not 1.,icense
<br />Stern ~~to. 1.3 soli.citors ss the l.i.cen,e ~r~~y be consi~!erEd za endorsement o,[ the
<br />so].iciCOr by Che Si.ty.
<br />Ol.os~i.ri~;~ Mr. Fahey ,ubmi.tt~d to the Coiincil a 1.etC.en c~ w~shes to send Co
<br />~f iCell.og~; the 3chooi l3oar<t ~eegar.clin4; tl~ci_r de:i.,i.o~: to close ?'el.logg 1-li~h
<br />Rchoo~l, ~4r. Cahey asi<ed for t'r,~e Counc,il's endorsernent oP l~i.s
<br />~,endti 7.etter.
<br />Adr.ti.t i on
<br />A7rs. Sc~.~1.ze in.formed th~ Counci.l. t:hat Lhe Ci.[~ of Rosevi.lte put
<br />poti_f:ic~il. }~r_essur•e on the School i3oard when the dec~ision to c'I.ose
<br />e.ither uamsey or Rc-l~.oag was made.
<br />iKr. rahey stated tl~tat he was at 1 mmeCi.ng at t,rhich t:here *.vas
<br />clisc.ussion oti a Centati.ve p7.an for closing one of Lhe hip,h school.s.
<br />At Lhe meeC~in; June Demos of Rosev;i.ll.e commenGed t:hat po1.i.tical
<br />considerat~i.ons must be tak~~~n ~int.o account and if the School l;oard
<br />clo,ed another sr_hoo7. iri Rosev_i11e, thc Ci.Cy woul.d nevcr ptzss a
<br />bond i_s,ue. ~t: the ne.xxt meetin,e, Che dec~i.,ion t~ras made Co c1o>e
<br />t:e11o~; ;.
<br />?qes. Nardin~[ introdi.iced tlie follow~i_n,y, resolution ancl rnove<I 1.ts adonCi.on:
<br />RI'.SOLU'fION N0. 85-1-44~ -- ?3iVl)ORSI~IG 7'I-lli ^SAIYOR'S
<br />S C1100L
<br />'Che foreyo~ing resolution wns dul.y ,econded by 74rs, Sc~l.ze.
<br />A~es ('>) Dlardini, Scalze, l~ahey, ~3lesener, Coll.ova.
<br />Nayes (0).
<br />Reso'luC~ion clec:l.ar~~~d acloptecl.
<br />`Chisrre>olut:ion ap~ears i.n Re,ol.ut4on ?'~oolc Dio. 7.2, Pa~e 4~3.
<br />Orclinance ?4r. l~ahey i.nh.roduacd the followi.n,n, oA°d~.inancc and moved its ~ido1,>ti.on:
<br />\o. 248 ~
<br />~ ORD7~dt1NCr? \f). 2[a8 - AN r)R[).TA1,~nIC1? Di',T~r;('TAIG
<br />A~enda ~ SEC'ClON ,'30~.020 P[?RTAC.IING 'f0 COtt~lCT.L~
<br />Ttem No. ].4 APP'ROVAi., 'CO RFlSSI? CY-(ARGiSS i'OR Ri?PUSt's COi.,i„?(;'i'~r?S
<br />The Eore~;oi.ng ordinance. taas dul.y seconclecl by 1~1rs. 5c~vlze.
<br />Ayes (,5) F1l~ey, Sc,al.zey Nar.d~in~i, Collova, 131esener.
<br />Na~es (Ol.
<br />(~rclinance decl.ared adooted.
<br />'I?a~e -1.3-
<br />