<br />Ctt:y Cottnci.l.
<br />Jan. 23, 19£35
<br />lpprovi.n~ Mrs. Scalre ~i.ntr,-oduc.ed thie folloqrin~ resolut:i_on and moved i.ts adopti.on:
<br />Vouchers
<br /> l:^SOT,UT'Ip~; ~;0: i35-1.-C~.'i -- APPP,~~/T°dC T^.~P;
<br />n~~.~,a<< vouc~lrr.s
<br />Ctem No. 1S
<br /> 'J'he Lor.egoi_n~; resolution was diily seconded by ~:rs. N~~rdi-n~i..
<br /> Ayes (5) Scalre, ;lardin~i., Palie~, Coll.ova, Bl.e;;ener.
<br /> Nayes CO).
<br /> k2esol.uti.on declared ~~dopCed.
<br /> Th~is reso:l.ution ~ppe~rs in Reso7ution ~?001< i~1o. ].2, Pe~e 44..
<br />i~(o~.rer "~r-. i31e5ener repoiCed t~hat tne Jacot,~son mow~-;e neecls repairs. 'Phc;
<br />Re~ai_r City has Cheee opt:ions: to rebu~ild the engine at a cost of $1,100;
<br /> inst:al.1 ai short lil.oc.lt at~ a cost of $1,300; or ~instal.l. a ncw eria;ine
<br />A;enda ut a cost_ oE .'g1,400. i4r. Blesener re»ortecl th.at Mr. Alanzer feels
<br />titem No. 16 that t:he rest: of t~~ie mo~aer :i.s i.n <;ooc( e~noun}~ s}~~apr Co ~aarran
<br />~ t i.nst:al.l.i.no
<br /> a neca enginE.
<br />Mrs. Piardi.ni aslced the cosC of. <i ne*,u niourer. Mr. F37.ese.ucr reported
<br />that a new one wou,Ld cost ahouC ,~?,500.
<br />'-!r. ?tl.esener -introduced tl~~e fol.towing resol.ution an~3 moved ~i.CS adop[ion:
<br />JtESOC,IITION Di~. £35--1--46 - A7'PP,OVITiQ T~7R
<br />nirg~,I.~ASF; f)1 A\~?;?d 1~~C I\?? TrOf; '1'i{}{ JACOIlS0~7
<br />,,ro~;,tr;~: .r~~ -~,.t,, ,;~,,o~~`~r o}~ ,t,~Foo
<br />'Cl~ie Poregoi.np; eesoliat:'ion ~aes di.ily seconded bg ~~(rs. N,ard~i.r~i<
<br />Ayes (5) `31.FSener, i~]ard4.ni., Co1J.ova, Fahe.y, ;ca].ze.
<br />D!ayes (l)).
<br />;tesol.ution declured adopted.
<br />This resol.i,ition appears i.n Resol.uC:ion J3ool< Plo. 7.2, ,F'age ~~~5.
<br />Jet:ti_ng Mr. Rlesener reported t.hat the City of M<.ipl.ewood is goii~g to buy a
<br />~lachine ne~a jett~i.n~; machine and w~i.l.1 put. the~ir present i.mit out for bid.
<br />Agend~ Mr. Glanzer. report~^.d that because tt~e mac'.~iine ~i.s ~aorth over $1,000
<br />ICem No> 15 fi4apl ewood m~,isC puC ir out Eor sealcd bi.ds and ~vi7.1. i~,ake the hi.Yhest
<br /> l~id.
<br />h4r. Glanzer rcnorCed that t:he m~ch.i_nc: is mour:ted on a trucl<, but
<br />t°(aplesaood tia:i 11 remove the w~it ~ncl se1.1. i t. ~(r. C;lanzex ~ioul d l:ilce
<br />auChor~i.zaCion to bid on the machine. Glanzer nlso pointed out that
<br />iL the City gets the machiiie, it wi.l1 },iave Co purchas~~t a trucl,c i.o
<br />put: it on.
<br />Co~mcil. questione~,1 t1~e neecl for. suc1~ a inachine,
<br />~?g{;~. "_lLi_
<br />