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MINUTF3S <br />C:ity Counci.l <br />Jan. ~3~ 19<i5 <br />.TeCting D7r. 131.esener poi_riCed out tl'~at when che Ci.ty rents such a roac.hin<~., <br />MacFrLne it costa t:he C~ity ~1b9 per hoar,. ~1e. Clanzer. ~rE~ported eheit the <br />(Cont_. ) Ci_t:y cleained the on Coi.inty Road 73-7 ~ncl f~or one day a jetting <br /> cost tne CiY..y a11.,200, <br />~fr. report:ed that he has di.scusse~~rl thc poss~i.bi_l.ity oE <br />mounti_n, th,i.s machi_ne on a trallcr, but oias told th~t you then do <br />not have the ab:iliCy to Ket into areas as yoi.i do wi.tki a t:r.uclc anci <br />you loose ~oat:er capeic-i.ty. <br />`~tr. Gianrer repor.~ted Chat event:u~ll.y CPie C~ity s}~ou7.c1 pet ~i.nto ri <br />maintenance program Chen the jettinQ rnackiine suoulcl P~e in use <br />~all. suinmer. loizg. ~ <br />'tfr. Co7lova i.ntroduced Che Follocaina resolut{on and ~~~iovecl i.ts adopt ion: <br />RI?SOLl7'C.T.OD7 N0. 85-1.-4.7 - A'Pl?ROV7i~'G THT <br />C:CS'Y'S 7iID I~OR A JE'C`CING MAC}CCP~'P FRO'4 '.CI-17's <br />CI'rX 0'.E' ~4A'PL};GIOOD l~> OltTLIN7i7) :W 9'1-Ir' i'UtiL~IC <br />1dOK[ZS SIIYFRIV'Ci':~~D7iN7"S Lli;'1"i'!itt 1)A'CEII JADIUAP.Y <br />22, 7.9£35 <br />'I'he resolution =,vas c!uly second~~l by P~Ir. Fakiey. <br />Ayes (5) Coll.ova, FaPiey, 6cal.ze, iV'ardin,[, ~3lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Reso'1uCi.on dcc7.aicd adopted. <br />9'hi_s re,o1.ution appe~irs in I2e;sol.uti.on Rook ~o. 12, Yage ~sh. <br />Fii•c Dept. ~[r,6~. ~lnrdini zPported that she spolcc Cne C~LCy Audi.tor on Che <br />Pension ru~ncl Lalc~ Joliann~i 1'i_re I)epertment Pen,i.on Ptmd and the conctiti_on oE th~e. <br />Ci.ty's pension fund. Mr. Iloto i_nFormed her Ch~C the Ci_t:y's <br />A~encla Dept. pensi.on fund i_, in excel.te.nC sl:i~pc and ~ir. Voto IeLt Chat the <br />Ar+dit~i.on reaso~i Eor ttie situat.?on at I,atce Joh~~nna was becsuse of a].aelc oE <br />co~nmuni.cati.on !'~etwecn the CiLy and iCS ~`~ire T)epartmenC. <br />ttecreati.on '1rs, Scalce reporCErr,l that slcatnlg 'lessons be~gan Janueary 6 and ti,iere <br />iZe~ort_ ar~ SS chtildren part~ici.pating. 'Chere zire 93 ch~ildren, <br />~n ~,yinn~~t~ics aricl 1. sen~or g~irls brooml>>ll Ceam. Or~ Cc}~ruary 9 <br />A~enda t~h~re en_ll. be ti~e chilciren's s' pirty ~iC tlie 7~zrc. N~z,ll. rin?<. <br />CCem \TO. 1.6 <br />Counci.l. It caas renorted t.llat the Coune.f.l. rneet~in~ agencfa was publ.i.shed in <br />A.a,<anda h.he North Subi.irban Pr~ss, 'Che C:lerk a1,o repor.ted t_hat he sent <br />a copy o£ the agenda t:p the Ckiamber of: Conunerce. <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />Pa~e -LS-- <br />