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~CE NUTTsS <br />Ci.tq Council. <br />Jan. ?3, 1985 <br />An<lerson~i-lowe 1ZESOLU'f.I01v NC). ~55-1-31. - APPY.OVIDIG "I'H`3 <br /> AND)iPSOP1~I~10?1E RL%ONING Yi203?OSAL FROEQ n--3 <br />Cco„t. ) To n--2, ~rxt~, r,o~i~~z2•zo~~~i, usn >>rru~l.z ror~ i~trn <br /> n~~o coris~r~ttrc•rzon oF r~~ao ~.-r~~i.r,~r:s sar~ei~z <br /> CAP.ACS?S, TILF. LO"C 4~IU)'Cl-I VARTADiCls ANC) 'LHE <br /> [ir.QiJPS'CI;D S1J1',D:fVISIOAi 3ASi:p ON 'fi~IF. RECOt9MF'VDt~1TI0N <br /> Ol' 'CI~I1? CI'CY PI.ANNE~2 t1ND 'CILE T'ACT Tt~IA'C Tt1EF21?, FlIZt: <br /> NO Of3Ji?CL:LONS T~'ROF4 'CIdT, N,GICI~INORNOOD AP7D I'OR 'L'Flli <br /> S2S3ASONS AS STAT'PD IDI T}I7's PLADINE:R' S R1.iP0I,:'l' 'CI-IAT <br /> T'C IS A I~IA]?ROra I~OT ~~1~D WOIJLd) PROVIDfi A <br /> TRANSI7'IQDIAL '"LON:CNG 1'~`OR Tl~t7i; P.E9IDt?,~7TIAL NR7,GY,~30RH~OD <br />'L'he resol.ution was duly seconded by D1r. Co7.lova. <br />Ayes (3) I'a!'iey, Co1.lova, T~lesener. <br />Dlayes (') Scatze, Nzirc.li_ni. <br />P,esol.ut4.on deni.ed. <br />This resol.iACion appe.ars i-n Reso~lution Boolc PIo. 12, Page 30. <br />99ie Plt~nner fF.l.t that. he could get together with Mr. Howe and worlc <br />out some of the concerns of Counci-7.member>. <br />1'he Cl.erk as}ced i.f. another public hearing is necessary if. Mr. Howe <br />comes baclc * thc proposal.. <br />Council decidcd tkiat thc matter could be reconsidered at. thc: second <br />meeti.n~ ~i.n Pe~bruary. <br />Nfrs. Scat.zc introd.uced the :following resolution and moved ~i.ts adoption: <br />P.Pu0LU7'ION T!0. 35-1--32 - ItECONSID~,R7:NG T~IP <br />ANDE?350^1/?IOWI; P,}?,'/,ONI!~IG 1JROi'OSAI., A'f 7'1t1; <br />SECONi) C~UNCIL T4FE'fIVG IN PF.;~RUARY <br />'Che f:orego~in~ rc~,olut~[on ~aas di.ily seconded, by Nrs. Aardini. <br />Ayes (5) Scalce, ^], Col.lova, Pahey, f~l.esez~er. <br />Dlayes (0). <br />'teosluCi.on decl.ared adopted. <br />Tlii.s resoluCion aipUears in l~esolut~i.on t?oolc Ao. LI, Page 31.. <br />Ntr. tiowe aslced hlr,. Scalze and ~1cs. Plarclin,i. for their objections to <br />hi_5 proposal.e <br />~~'trs. >calze stated t:ll2it her mair~ objecti.on ~i.s wi_Ch sp7.iCting off tlie <br />baelc kial.f c~f~ the property as iC ~ail.1 set ~ prececlci~it and other.s iii <br />ttae City iaant to elo thi.s. Scalze stated t_hat she cli.d not <br />object to Ch~~ two,s on one piece oi paroperCy. <br />Mrs. Nmrd~ini stated tllat she fe1.C the iras too great: Cor <br />ttie lot si~e. <br />Pa~e -5-- <br />