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MINUTES <br />Ci.ty Council <br />reb. 13, 7.985 <br />County Road Mr. Al.esener requested that a feasi_bi.lity stucty be done on the <br />F3-2 Lift County Road I~-2 lifc stati.on. I~lesener stated that i.f some ot the <br />Stati.on work on the stakion can he done in conjuncCi.on with the Lake <br />Gervais interceptor, the Ci.Cy could save some money. <br />Apenda <br />[tem No. 13 Mr. Gl.anzer st:ated that the City mi.ght be able to get Che ground <br />woric done along with tl~e i.nterceptor Glanzer stated that the <br />l.i.f.t station ~ooul.d be pai.d f.or out of. thE: maintenance budget and <br />the Ci_ty could spread the cost of. the project over several years' <br />budgets. <br />Mrs. Scal~e i.ntroduced Che f.ol.l.owing resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLU'CION N0. 85-2-58 - REQUF.,STING THP <br />FNGINF,ER 'PO PREPARF PLANS AND SPECIi?ICATIODIS <br />FOR TIdE COIN.T,Y ROAD I7-2 LI,CT, STA'CION <br />The f.oregoing resolution was duly secondect by Mr. Collova. <br />Ayes (4) Scal.a.e, Collova, Pahey, T~lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declarecl adopted. <br />This resol.uti.on appears in Resol«tion i~ook No. 12, Pa~;e 57. <br />19f35 SJater Mr. Glanzer pointed ouC a r.eport he has submi.tted to the Counci.l <br />i~udget on a new empl.oyee for the PuUli.c Worlcs Department. P1r. I3lesener <br /> reported that he and Mr. Glanzer may come Uaclc to the Counci.l <br />A~enda with someth~i,ng on this in a£ew months time af.ter he is more <br />Item No. 14 [ the operati.on. <br />Mr. Fahey pointed out the report in the 19£~5 Water Budget <br /> a 32 miLlion galLon water loss for the Ci.ty i.n 1984 and the <br />fact t;:at no ~aater lealcs were detecCed. <br />Mr. Glanzer commented that he has di.scussed th:is coith the City of <br />St. Paul and it i.s thei.r Eeeling that i.t i.s water that is not <br />bcing detected by meters, £or example dri_ppi.n~; f.aucets, St. 1?aul. <br />does not Eeel. that thi.s amount of: cuater loss is bad. <br />Mr. Glanzer also rointed out that most of. the loss is in <br />the thi.rd quarter. and this is the largest construction quarter. <br />Gl.anzer stated that some of the ]oss is occur.ring from f.illinp, of <br />coater li.nes, f.lushing lines, wat:er in systems, fire cails. <br />Gl.anzer also stat.ed that the City's meter has been regi.stering <br />without: any water f.low and he is St. Paul. on a credit <br />for this. <br />Glanzer stated that he agrees that the ~aater loss :is high, but l~e <br />has been loolcing into everything. <br />Page -10- <br />