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MINUTPS <br />City Council <br />Peb. 13, 1985 <br />Metro Mr. Chuck Wiger of the Metropolitan Council appeared before the <br />Counci.l Coimcil and pr.esented Chem with the i9et Counci.l.'s annua7. report, <br />Reporl' budnet and some variou s other publicati.ons. Mr. Sdiger also reported <br /> that he would lil<e to di.scuss soLid ~oaste mana~ement, sewer overflow, <br />Agenda and li.ght rai7. transit the City. <br />Item No. 4 <br />Mr. Wiger reported that for the last year and a half the Met Counci.l <br />has been trying to identify suitabLe I.ancl fill si.tes in and out of <br />Ramsey County. However, their efforts have not been successful for <br />various reasons. <br />The Met Council has determined that they cannot be dependent on landfiLls <br />and the land[ills that they have are leatcing and int:o the <br />ground water.. <br />The Met Cotmci.l has determined that some waste can be burned and the <br />Ci.ty has previously received a report on this. <br />Ilowever, there wi.ll Ue no lanclfills after 1990. Therefore, the Met <br />Council is looking into mandatory recyclin~ which woulci be enforced <br />by the City. 14r.. [di.ger asked the Counc:il's thoughts on mandatory <br /> <br />Mrs. Scalze ~slced how i.t would be done, i.f it would be picked up at <br />curb site or iE the materi_a1s would have to be taken somecohere. Mr. <br />Wiger felt that a lot of the materials ~aould have to be talcen to a <br /> area. <br />Mr. Pahey questioned hoca the City could enforce recycling on a legal <br />level. Pahey stated that the Ci.ty could adopt an ordi.nance, but it <br />would not worlc unless the people wanted to comply. Nir. P'ahey pointed <br />out that the League of Cities is in favor of a voLuntary, <br />pro~;ram. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that enforcement coould be expensive and cumbersome. <br />Mr. Fahey poinCed out that the City is receiving less and less State <br />and Federal monies. Pahey stateci that enf:orcement of this type of <br />program would be di.fficult for sma11 c:ities to achi.eve. Pahey f.e1t <br />Chat some sort of prohram would have to be offered along <br />with the program. <br />Mr. T~lesener felt ttlat it ~aouLd t:ake a long time to accomplish a <br />mandatory recycling pro~;ram and the program wovld have to start of.f <br />on a voluntary basis. <br />Mr. Collova aslced if t:here were any that hacl a voluntary <br />system i.n place. Mr. Wiger repli.ed T.hat St. Paul and Mi.nneapolis. <br />do, but he di.d not icnow much about any pub].i.c incentives that ~nay <br />be of:fered i.n con,juncti.on with the pro~rams. <br />Page -2- <br />