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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />reb. 13, 19~5 <br />MeCro Council Mr. Wiger reported that the State is in violation of: pumping <br />(Cont.) se~aage into the Mi.ssi.ssippi. Ri.ver. Also, a lot of money has <br />been spent to separate storm water and sewage. Wisconsin has <br />filed a law sui.t agains~ the State and the Governor supports <br />Wisconsin in t:heir ef£orts. <br />'Phe Met Council has put to~ether 1 10-year prop,ram to handle the <br />problem and it wi11 be financed half Uy ci.ties of St. Pau1, <br />Minneapolis and South St. Paul. The other. half would be paid for <br />through an interest-free loan from the State. This proposal. <br />does not involve the suburban other than the extent of <br />their parti.cipation due to the loan by the State. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that Little Canada property owners pay <br />$3.50 i.n overflow charges this year. ScaLz.e asl<ed if: when St. <br />7?aul and P1i_nneapolis has to pay f.or. their sl~are of. this program, <br />if the costs wi.11 be passed back to the City in increased sewer <br />rates. <br />The Clerk reported that the overflo~a charpes o~ill be elimi.nated a.n <br />less than f.ive years. <br />Judy Pletcher of the!daste Control Commission commented that the Ci.ty <br />will onl.y pay for the sewage that goes through St. Paul and not for <br />storm water. <br />Ms. Pletcher r.eported that the Waste Control Commissi.on expects a <br />full report its mana~ement commission i.n early `~arch. The <br />prelimi.nary findings shoo~ that in some cases wages are not comparable., <br />a new management statf is recommended and a different chai.n of <br />command is bein~ studi.ed. <br />Also, the FlasCe Control Commi.ssion has a 1ot of bi.g projects <br />on in the farm of the Mi.ddle Belt Line and the Lalce Gervais Inter- <br />ceptor. The Lalce Gervais Interceptor is pr.ojecced to be completed <br />in January of 19~36 and the Middle Ilelt I,ine should also be completed <br />about the same time. <br />Mrs. Scalze commented that Mrs. informed her that there <br />are some additional houses that cannot be connected to the Lalce <br />Gervai.s Interceptor alon~; County Road I3-2 and these houses will <br />be faced with dependence on the lift station on I3-2. Wi11 Chis <br />cause a larger lif.t station to have to be built~ <br />[~Ir. Glanzer replied that the addi.tional homes wi11 not create the <br />need for a larger lif.t stati.on. The City will be able to get by <br />with a smalLer lif.t station than iY. presently has. <br />It was su~gested that Mrs. D] discuss the matter Mrs. <br />Fletcher. when she returns. <br />The En~;i.neer agreed Mr.. Glanzer that a smaller 1if.t stati.on <br />would be possi.ble on I3-2 after the inter.ceptor. i.s in operation. <br />Page -4- <br />