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MINIJTf;S <br />Gi.ty Council. <br />Peb. 13, 1985 <br />Woodl.yn Ave. wi.ll be about 30 feet wide. The Pngineer sugp,e.sted that: the road <br />Update (Cont.) could be put right up against Y,he railroad right-oL-way and the Ci.t:y <br />would not have to pay Che rail.road f.or <br />Mrs. Scalze suggested that the road could be moved over onto the <br />right-of:-way just i.n the area of the I31ack buitdin~;. The Fngi.neer <br />did not thinlc that aas necessary and suggested that C}ie ri~ht-of-way <br />coulc9 be narr.owed to 40 f.eet i.n the area of. the 3~l.aclc buiLcii.n~;. <br />Mr. Carley suggesCed that the Ci.ty get the property oomers together <br />to di.scuss the matter. <br />T4rs. Scalze pointed out that the Ci.ty wanted a passable gravel roa<i <br />f.rom ?doodl.yn to South Owasso and the road i.s not passabl.e because of. <br />the f.ence. <br />The }?ngi.neer f:elt that the real problem the road in the vie~a of: <br />Y.he property owners i.s how much it is goin; to cost. The Bngi.neer <br />st~ted that in his opinion the Ci.ty had suff.ici.ent rig,ht-of:-way. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that the easement ~is n private one and asl<ed <br />how the Ci.ty i.s, to get the easement. The Ci.ty aLso has to get <br />PlcGough to move their fence. <br />Mr. Sweeney stated that he i.s workin~; on obtaining easements from R& S. <br />The Attorney statect that he could also ~oorlc on the fence issue. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that the Attorney should try to get a 30 foot <br />easement in f.ront of the F31ack and Rosevi.lle Plumbins; proper.ty. <br />Mr. Pahey stated that tAe City would request initially that the <br />property owners put :in a~ravel road and this would eli.minate the <br />necessity of the City putting in the street and it. <br />Pahey suggested that the Attorney begin workin~; on the easements Che <br />Ci_ty needs and getCing the f.ence moved. <br />Mr. Ron Palmen stated that Roseville Pl.umbing is concerned that if he <br />gives property for an easement Chat this would l.imit hi.m when he <br />wants to add on to his Mr. 1?ahey repLied that Mr. Deeb can <br />ac(dress thi.s i.ssue the Ci.ty Attorney. <br />Mrs. Scalz.e did not feel. that there would Ue a probl.em with the Ci_ty <br />workin~ o~ith Mr. Deeb on thi.s and the Ci.ty would be creating the <br />si.tuati.on and may have to help hi.m out -on ~it. <br />The City Clerlc asked where utilities would go i.n tlie ar.ea. The Clerk <br />also pointed out that a li.f.t station mi.ght be necessary. The Engineer <br />r.eplied thaC the lif.t stati.on would go in f.ront ot R& S. The Engi.neer <br />also commented that i.t woul.d be silly to bui.ld a blacktop road and <br />not provide for util.ities. ~(r. Glan2er commented that a road and <br />uti.lity easement would be necessary. <br />Page -6- <br />