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!QINUTPS OP 'I'I~IT RFGtJLAR t4Pi?TING <br />Gf'PY COUNC7L <br />L,I'CTLE CANADA, MI~INESO'CA <br />March 13, 19F35 <br />Pursuant to due ce~ll and noCi.ce thrreoL, a regula~• meeCi.n,n, of the <br />Council. of the Ci.ty o£ LitCl.e Canada, Plinnesota was held on the <br />13th day of: P4arch, 1985 i.n the Council. Charnbers of: tY~e Ci.ty Centc:r <br />located at 515 Canada Road in sai.d Ci.ty, <br />Ap,cnda Playor Pahey ch6i~.ired ttie meeC:Ln~ and called it to order at <br />Item No. 1. 7:32 P.M. and the members were present at ro7.1. ca1.1: <br />Agenda MPM~S1's7:5 PRIiSFN7': Mayor b1r. ~4i.chae7. Fahey <br />Item No. 7_ Councilman Kr. 131.esener <br />Councilwoman Mrs. ~fuos Nardini. <br />Councilwoman Mrs. I3everl.y Scalze <br />MPMBliRS t1BST;N'C: Mr. Rick Coll.ova <br />ALSO PT21iSCN1': City C7.ertc Mr. Soseph Chl.ebecl< <br />Ci.ty ~tCOrney ~-Ir.. 7'homa, Sweeney <br />Co~~sulting I?~gi_neer ~ir., Donald Carlcy <br />Recordin~ Secretary A1rs. 1<athlEen Gl.anier <br />Approval Mr. F3lesener i.ndi.cuted that the corrections sktould be made <br />Of 'Che to the minutes of the Pebruary ?_7 meet~i_ng: <br />Minutes <br />On oa,<;e 1.4, 10th paragraph, P1r. Fahey ~aas referrin~; Co 1oCs <br />Agenda less than 17_5 feet aride, noC lots thar. are 125 f:eet wide; <br />Item No. 3 <br />On pa~;e 16, second paragr~ph Che bottom, the m:inutes <br />shoul.d reacl, "the I'l.anner sCated Chat the inCent of Che <br />ordinance was to remove the term garage and use the ter.m <br />accessor.y when to detachecl narages.". <br />iKr. f3tesener i.ntroduced the reso7.ut~i.on and moved i_ts adopCion: <br />?2Ei01.,UTIODi N0. 85-3-101 - APPROVIDiG TEIE, <br />h(INUTIiS OI' Ti~lli PF,BPUAktY 27, 19£35 COUNCIL, <br />T4EETIDIG WITI~I 'CI~IE OU'I'I,INF,D CUi~RPCTIONS <br />The [or.ep, resolutton was du7.y seconded by Mrs. Dlardin_i.. <br />Ayes (4) Rlesener,, Scal.ze, Pahey. <br />N~.~yes (0), <br />ResoluCi.on declared adopted. <br />'fhi.s resol.ution zippeeirs i.n Resol.uCi.on t?ool< ~]o. l2, Pa~es 98 and 99, <br />°~€~~ -~- <br />