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P7:INU'('1;> <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />~Sarch 13, 1.9fi5 <br />4datershed Mr. G7arren i<Inl.gren of. the Ramsey W~skiin~,ton Metro ~i7aCershed <br />Distr~ict Distr.:i.ct appe~ired befare the Council. P-ir. Wa7.gren stated that <br />the i,egislaCi.irc hes a watee manri;ement plan for the <br />A~;enda 1.1 cornmunities Sn the W~itershed q:i.str~ict i.s to be in ef.fect i.n <br />Item No. ~s t936. Mr. Parl. BanlccroEt of LaRarre ~n~;ineering and Mr. C1iff <br />A;;i.r~ger of the WaCershed lli.str~ict also accompan~i_ed Mr.. ~nralp,ren. <br />Nlr. Aichzn~;er presentecl to thc Counci.l Che Wt~tershed DisCrict's <br />plan Por ,uxf:ezce =.oaCer mana~;emenC< P4r. Ai.chin„~r stated P:hat <br />ttie plan w~; mandated by Chapter 509. <br />T4r. Aichi_n~;er stated th~at the tlater.shed i.s bri.n~; thi.s plan t:o Cl~e <br />11 communit:ies :it serves. These commtinities have 60 days in <br />Co review the and comment. <br />P4r. stzit:ed Ch1t the zil.reacly contai.ns comprornises ~eLween <br />the Idatershed and 'i.ts communities. <br />~Ir. Aichinger briefly described the Copi_cs th~it the plan addre.ssed. <br />Ai.chinger stated Chat the plan ].ays out a five-ye~r pronram For <br />obta:i.nin; a11. tl~e neces,ary i.nformat:i.on Chat is needed for surface <br />waCer management in the Distri.ct. <br />Ai.chi.ii~;er also sCated CltaC the plan sets up a regul.atory proc:ess theit <br />i.s flexiUl.e Co al.l,osa to take as much or as l.itCle control <br />as they want in ,urf.ace water manaf;ernent. Communi.ties can assume <br />all the authorit:y, or. i.f a community does not have the <br />necessary, :it cain have the Water,hed tal<e over. <br />Mr. Ai.chi.nger also ~i.nformed the Counci.l tl~aC the f:unciing for vari.ous <br />st.udics Chat: wi1.1 be needed will be a neroti.ated i.ssue. Some of these <br />st:udies wil.l. be handled by the Cdater>heci and others will be t.he <br />r.esponsibility of commun;i.ties, The Flatersl~ed has lai.d out a pol.icy <br />guideline and will revi.ew each project in this re~ard. <br />t4r. Aichi_nner stat:ed tltat Che ~niatershed want, t:o be a tini.C of govern- <br />mene t1~aC 2ssi.sts other, and does not: o~ant: to become a oovernmenC~1 <br />burcaucracy. <br />Ai.chi.n~;er st~ated Chat have unt::il. April. 1~4 to comment <br />on thc: Wa~Cershed's P2anagement P1an. !-lowever, ther.e i.s ~n extensive <br />rev:i.ew process following that :i.n the Ci.ty cotil.d st:ill comment <br />if the C~ity di.scoverecl adcliti.onal concerns. <br />°~rs. Scal.ze r.tst<ecI i.f thr. City En;:i.neer woulci be t:he one Co r.eview <br />the p1an. The En~i.neer stzri:ed that he would, and he may have a <br />problcm meeti_ng the Apri1 14 Mr,,er re~~li.ed that <br />the Plan would be revi.ewrd untf.l. January 1, 19~36 and the Ci.Cy could <br />stil.l. commc~nt during tkiat peri.od. <br />Page -7- <br />