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;~'tINU'I''; i <br />Cit:y Cotmci7. <br />S4srch ].3, ]935 <br />Ch~vtge-Orde~r P4r. 137.esener. reported th<it when C,he specs ~vece wri.t:Cexi ior Che <br />1'ire I~(a11 spri.nkler sysCem Eor the rial.l, ik ~o~s not not_ed ChaC Che <br /><ler f:ise hose tower was not heated. 7'hEreLore, .it is necessar.y to <br />System insCal.l ~in anti.-[reeze system at n coet of s34;, <br />Agenda Mr. t3l.esener ~I_ntroduced the [oll.owing resolut~ion and movecl i.ts adopC:ion: <br />9dctition <br />Ri; iOLU't'~IODi N0. £35-3-11'l - APYROVI~IG A CHANGF- <br />012Dz,R L`OR 'CIII ~IRt I1~T~,L SP?~f\KLE72 SY59.P.,M ~'NOJIZCT <br />~I~ps $4-~~~ IN PI~LE Ev~(OU'V( OP $343 ~FOR ~V ANTI-1P~iZG SY57'Ii~? <br />(Change) IN THI: I~10S(' 'I'OWE^ <br />(Oxder-l-) <br />'Che fore;oi.n; reso~tution o~ms du7.y seconded by a~tr.s. Nardini< <br />Ayes (~+) ;31.ese.ner, Dlardini., Sc<il.ze, Pahey, <br />Nayes (()). <br />R<~z>olut:i.on declarecl adopCed. <br />'Pk~is reso.l.uti_on appears i.n Resol.uti.on TiooLc No. 1?_, I?a;e 109, <br />City Dumpster Mr. ,i~l.esener r.epor.Ced that: T~ir. Glanzer would l.~i.lce to have the Gity <br />dumpsterr in oT,~eration every ot:her wo:elc r.ather tPian the f:irst and <br />Af;enda third Satu,rd~ys of: the rtionth dur.7.~tg r;ummer rnontl~s. <br />Addit~i_on <br />~trs. Sca7.ze fEil.C it would be less>ing to have Che dimipster <br />on the f:i.rst amd C).~i.rd Saturdays, than c.very other weei<, <br />~ir< Fahey i_ntroduced the £ollow~,i.n~ resoltrtion and moved i.ts adoption: <br />RF.SOLU'I'I0~\ N0. 85-3-11.2 - CII~NGING TtIE D~1Y5 <br />OF ~f~r;,,,'CIO?I OF T,u? C:[TY Dll?9PS'CrR '10 ~Vi?2Y <br />OTl-P.T,R SA7'U12DAY DURIDIG 'C4dP SU~4P4IiR <br />The Porcpoing eesol.uti.on wzts dul.y seconded by Mrs. Nardi.rii_. <br />Ayes (4.) Pal~ey,, Scalce, 3lesener. <br />~d}~f`S ~~)~. <br />P.esoluti.on declared aidopted. <br />'Phi.s reso].uCi.on ar~pears in Resoluti.on Book lo, 12, ~?a„e 110. <br />fiewer D1r, T3lesener renort_ed that: the City has recei.ved ei letter. F.rom Nea <br />~[aintenance 13righton Chem C1iaL. thc~ir i.nsur.ance c.arrier. eecenl:ly ~~ai.d <br />a hi.s;h clairo becausc they di<I not do re,asoriable ma:inCenance t:o <1 <br />Anendei ,ewer l.ine. 7t was t:hs feel.i.n, of t:he i.nsurance carrier tl~att a <br />Add~i.ti.on ci.Cy's se~aer sqsCem shoul.d be cl.eaned ~nnu<i11y. Tl~iis is <br />an i_Cem of: i.nformation. <br />Page -lb- <br />