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Tt:f NUTFS <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />March J3, 1°,SS <br />1?osti.n;; Of ~fr. Bl.esencr r.eported th~t tlie CounCy wi11. be post~i_i~g thei_r streets <br />C~i.ty Streets on P4~rch 18. Th~~ Cit:y wil.l post si:reeC, on ei.ther thc 1°th or the 19tk~, <br />Af;enda <br />Ttein No. l7 <br />'Car 'CI~e Ciey Clerl; reported that there are $600 i.n taxes on the paric <br />~batement ~:n:operty Che Ci.ty owns i_n Pates Additi_on. Th~ Cler.l< recqmmended <br />~Pates Add. Chat the Counc-i.l abate these taxes. <br />Agenda D7r.. r';z~~~.y i.ntrocfuced the.; resoluti.on and moved i.ts t~dopCi.on: <br />Iten r1o. t9 ~ <br />1zL,oI,trclont ,~o. 85~~-3-113 - Zi~sTaoCCING Tlir <br />CI'CP CLERI< TO PROCIJRE A'CAX AI3f\7'[:P4i~;N'I' 7~~RM <br />9i]D :IDI;'C1:UCT 1'FtT COUN9'Y TO AS3Fl'TT 'Ct-!E 'L'AXF?S <br />ON YARCk'sL ~IO. 53-Sfl750-070-01 AND 1)RLE'C~ <br />'Ct{F; AS ;FSix~9E~iT AGAIDIS'C SAID PAPCf3L A i i~I1si,I. AS <br />'I'llf: ASSfi:SSMFN'C COLLBC7'ATiL,E IN 19~5 <br />The f.ore~;oing resolution caas dul.y a;econded by D1r. Blesener, <br />~yes (4) Fahey, ?~lesener,, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declareci adopted. <br />9'his resoluti.on appears ~i.n Resol.uCion Bootc No. 1'L, 'Page lll.. <br />P~~; 67ater Plr, 1~lesc:ner reported that ,1r. and N(rs. I:ng o[ County Road i3-7. havc <br />]3il.l espr.essed concern about a waCer b~ill i.n tl,~e tourth quarter of. <br />].1st: The Puo1i_c 4lorl<s Dep~rtine.nt has checl<ecl out the };n~;'s <br />Flg~~nda w~~ter meter and 1,tave Eound no 4~roblem with it. <br />nddition <br />Air. ?3l.esener reported tliat usu~l.l.y r.~tien <~ water meCer c;oes bad it <br />cegisl-ers o~at_ec flow at too slow a l.evel, rsther than too [ast. <br />T,t saes the feeli.n~; o,E [hc Couric.i.l. chat the Qi.ty C1cr1; sJ:iould advise <br />Mr. and Mrs. ling thait as ther~ i.s nothin~; wron,g wiC1i thei.r water <br />meter, the ~•rater havc been used some how and no aclju,tm~~tit <br />can be made i.n the bi.11. A1so, the Ci.ty h~s had cases 1i_ke this <br />i.n the past and no adjustinents have beer~ rnade wheS~e Ckie rneter <br />r,ested correcr... <br />AudiC 'Ck~e City C~lerlc requested that the fol.lowing aud:i.t transfers be made <br />Tr~nsf.ers Co Che. Gencra7. i~und r_eY, P:o Uecember 3;1, 19F4: <br />Age.nda fi?-2 DeSoto, t1Ll.en to County Road D ~ 20,7.6 <br />Ttem ~lo. 20 3.3-20 Ryan ~~972,pp <br />83-L1 Arcade & i.,a°ore to Re11er 3,?_04.>3 <br />Page --7.7- <br />