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MT~lU7'PS <br />C~i.ty Cot.tnc~i.l <br />March 13, 1985 <br />Wntershed Mr. Aichin~;er stated that cities must prepare a water managernenC <br />Di.strict p].an consistene the ~nrater.shed's p11n and ~i.t must be <br />(Cont.) ~impl.ement~ited l.£3 mont:hs after the aclopC~ion of thc tidaitersheci's <br />plan. <br />Mrs. Scalze aslced ~aho would ~aork on the plan and if th~tre was <br /> for this, A4r. Aichinher repl.ied that the City's <br />en;ineeri.n~ and p'1<mning staf.f would pue togeCtaer the plan and <br />thaC there was no f.unding avail.abl.e t_o the City. <br />Mr.. I'ahey questioned the necessi.ty oP the plan. Mr. Ai.chi.ngexr <br />commented thaC rnost cit~i.cs Eirid i.t convenient to aet r~i.d of their <br />soater int_o anoCher. community and thi_s :is wl~iat tl~ii.s process i, try~ing <br />to control.. <br />Mr.s. N~rdtini. po:inCed out ChaC there are 50 square niles dr.~in:i.nh <br />into Lake ~ervai.s. ~Irs. Scal.ze quesC:i_oned iP there would be. any <br />chan„c~: ~i.n th~Ls due to thi.s process Lhat Mr. Aichi.n„er i.s report:~.i.n, <br />on< <br />I4r. stated tAat: under the process ci.ties wi11 huve to plan <br />for nm-of.f, heavy stor.rns. <br />P4r. L'~hey aslced if. c:ities tt~~at are dumping their run-o£f onto L:itt:~le <br />Canada wi.ll have to develop storm watee reCent:~l.on centers. <br />P4c. Ai.cht.ngm~r st~ted [hat the SJatcrshed wi11 be studying ,Lake Gerva~i.s. <br />t1i.c}ii.ngex commented that thc=. idaCershecl i.s r.vlso concerned about water <br />qual.ity comi.n,<; i.nto tk~e lake. llocrevc~r, thi.s stucly will. cover a~s to <br />S ye~r peri.od. <br />N(r.. ]~ankrroft sC~Ced that the I,,e~i.stature's ~i.nCenC ro~s Co <br />a pol~lcy of surf,ace water management: for.• the futi,rre and fel.t tk~at: <br />this ~aas thc best way to get t:l~e level of coz~Crol back to C~ity Council <br />I.evel. <br />f4rs, Scalze expressed concern at>ouC thc project. in ~1aP7.ewood on the <br />norCh end of Kohlmann La1ce. Scalze sCated Cl~at a d-Ltce was bu~i_1t on <br />the City which has chan~ed the w~t:er course ~,in the area ~nd ~oater <br />is no~a runnin~; onto a Li_ttle Canada property. <br />Mr. tAichi.nger ,taCed that: Y.lie d:tlce was built without approv~il., and <br />a pFrmit was qrantecl af:ter tPie dilce was built. 'I'he d:i.lce i.s stable, <br />and t.he idaCershed has no plans tor. the deve].oper change the <br />d'tlce. <br />N[rs. Scalze questionecl where Che protection i.s Eor the pr.operty owner <br />wl~o is next to the dil<e. <br />Mr. Ai.chi.ns;er stated that he i.s aware that i.t is a bad situati.on. <br />Pa,n,e -3- <br />