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~1TN[JTi?S <br />City Cou~cil. <br />^trrch 13, 1.985 <br />Andcrson P4rs. Nardin:i no~[nted oi.~t: ttieii, the Peteirson and Vi.l.leaux pro~Prt-ies <br />Proposal are zoned 12.3 and t:hat tliere could be commerc:ial. deve7.opnient: on tk~ese <br />(Corit.) i.n ttie Luture. <br />Mrs. Scal.ze commentecl Chat she f:el.t a 4-plex w<as an acceptable u,e <br />near commerctal deve.lonment. Scalze also sCaCed thaC she fe1C tP~e <br /> was a more app,copriaCe use in ttu.s area wiCh resi_clenti~l. <br /><~csoss the st.rect Chun deve7.opment. <br />t4~rs. Nard~i_ni. pointed out thnt the resi; of t:ize Anderson pr.operty <br />could deve'l.op wiCh 1n act~ive 24-hour per day commercial d~-.vel.opmenc. <br />Nar.din-i aslce;cl ~if the C;~.ity cals aslcing for Croub7.e by Mr. <br />And.erson's proposa~le <br />Mrs. Dlardirii stated CI~aC there could V.~e prob7.erns witk~ from tl~e <br />; devcl.opment and poi_nf:.ed out the problems t:he Ci.ty is <br />f.aced ~v1th because of the Cra~iler coti,rC adJacent. to some l.iquor <br />establ.i_shm~nts. <br />Mrs. Scal.~e ,felt tLtat Lhe aiain concern on Pzirk Street should be to <br />ma!<e the resiclential oroperty to the eas1.: fie ~in tl~ie commercizil <br />to the west. ScalzF stated that: she objected to the Gordy Howe <br />proposal bec~use there ~~ere t:wo bui.lcli.nqs proposed £or. one parcel., <br />Mr. Pahey rrned Mr. Anderson that: it appi:~~red thaC three Council.- <br />p~rsons were in favor oE hi.s proposezt and one was not. Pahey suggested <br />that ~Ir. Anderson find out how Mr. Collova f~eel.s ~bout the proposal. <br />Pahey suvgestecl that ~~rhaps Anderson coutd discuss his proposal <br />further with Mrs. as we1t. <br />hlrs< Scal.ze asked how close Cne bui.ldin; woulcl be to the adjacent <br />parlcing l.ot. i1r, Anderson sCated tl~at he would put the ga~rage in <br />t:he bacl,c oF the 4-olex and the 4-ol.ex 1.tself woulr.l bc~ pl.aced just <br />a 1ii:C~te further baclc on tP~e 1ot than a single family home. <br />~trs. Sczlze stated that she fe1t. the proposal was a good <br />from what the City start:ed< Scalze f.e1t that th~ Ci.fy shou].d <br />do the best it can for the resi.clent-ial properCy on Parlc Street:. <br />Mor.ator.Lum Mr. Ted Johnson of A.I. C< Corporat:i.on appeared be.fore Che Coi.uicil.. <br />Centerv~.i71e Mr. Johnson ,t:aCed that hi.s firm has purchased property in the southeast <br />Road L~rea corner n~ar the ~intersecti.on of 35ti ~nd 694. Johnson stated that: 9 <br />months ago his fi.rm approached Che Pl~nni_ng Commission with some ~ideas <br />~$~n~~~ for dev~7.oping t_his property< <br />~[tem No. 6 <br />.Johnson stated thut he just recent:l.y out about the moratorium <br />~ pl.aced on this properCy ancl, thereiorc>., wanted to approach t:he Counc~i.l <br /> some questi.on,. Johnson also stated th~C he ~i.s wor.l,cin~; wit:h P:he <br />State on a devel.opmeiit pro~osal 1:~or. the property, and t}ie moratoriurn was <br />a >ur.prise to kii.m. <br />1'age -5- <br />