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MTN~t`C'?S <br />Citti~ Coi.inci.l <br />~4arch 13, 1935 <br />CenCnx•vi11e Mr. Johnson statcd that he mo~il.d like to staow the Counc.i.l thei.r <br />!:oad Area plans for devel~~>p~in;; their piece of properCy. <br />(co~,c.) <br />Mr. T'ahey comroenCed Chat Mr.. Johnson has been i.nformed by the Ci.ty <br />Clerlc th~t his property is ~incl.tacted i.n the. morat:orimn. The <nrF~a <br />enc.ompassed i.s Lrom La%?ore Road Co Centervill.e to County ,i2oad D <br />to the ].ine north and south of DeSot:o. 'Ch~i, proocrty i_s a U- <br />currentl.y zoned i.ndustr~i.<al.. <br />The r,easoi~ Chat t:he moratori~r,n ~.~as called ~is that 4. or 5 years 1~go <br />whexi thc~ Comprel, , wa, actopted t}iis arera was -i.dent~i_fied as <br />on~ thaC e,rould w~ireant Eurther study. 'Chere was also about a`i0 - 50 <br />spl.i.C between pr.oper.ty owners as to the type~ of t.hey o~anted <br />for t:he area. <br />Mr. Ft~h~:y pointed ouC Chat t:here has bec:n consi_der~bl.e di_scussio^ <br />about Che C:i.ty's oarlc on the other si.<le of thE; Ereeway. <br />9'}~e C~i_Cy i.s :i.f: i.t oranCS th~i.s area to devel.op a, an <br />i.ndustrial parl<. 7'her<-~ eire yuest:i.ons about t:he soi.l. condi.ti.ons <br />~~n Che area. <br />Pahcy cornmenL:ed that the C~ity might benef.'~it more with a hii.gher densi.ty <br />resi.dent:i.;al develonment thln a commer.c~i,~il. or onc g5_ven <br />industr.i_al revenue sharixtg in the StaCe. <br />Mr. rahey stated that che Ylanner cv:i.l.l. devslop some ~.ilternat~i.ves f:or <br />Che area that wi.ll take i.nto con,iderati.on tl~e; uses of: Che <br />propercy. 'Phe Ci.Cy does not wanC a hodge~ po~~;e of develo}~ment that <br />wi~tl he to t:he currenr_ use, ~i.n Che area. <br />N[r. P~~hey staCed that Che Plamier has outl.i.ried a pro~;ram that: wi7.1 <br />tnlce the City into SepCember of 19£;5 f:or the area. I-Io~aevec, Fahey <br />has discussed this ~aith C:he Pl.~nner, tingi.neer and Clcrlc and he is <br /> ChaC a pro~~osal be orepared for March 7_7. Peel.iminary <br /> recommendations would be ready f.or tlpril. 11 and proposed <br />uses and CIZOr.ou~;hfzire pl.ans o~ould be subm~i.tted by the 1'1aruler on <br />Apri.i 11. T'alz~y statec.l thaC joi.nt meeti.n~s cai_th ths "Planni.n~Commi.,si.on <br />and public heari.nns wou]_d be held by Apr~il. 7_4. <br />Fahey stated that i.t is the o£ the Council ehat before further <br />development of the ar.e~ is begun, the ar.e1 be 7.ool<ed at< <br />Mrs. Nardini staCed that the dr.ainap_,e of tl~ie area ~lso should be <br />address~d. Sc.alze poi.nted out that the property is currentl.y far.m <br />1anc1 and once buildings arc constructed, there could be a drai.n~ge <br />probler~. <br />Mr. .lohnson stated that hi.s plan i.nclude<I a dra~.ina~e pond, .Tohnson <br />stated that he th~-~ property ~in ~;ood and has done a <br />consi.derabLe amotmt of, worlc ~oing forward with developrnenC plans and <br />tP~ey have submi.tted a proposal. to the State. No~~i he lias found out <br />that there i_s e moratori_um on tlie propert.y. <br />Pat;e -6- <br />