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At'f P?1J9'F.S <br />C:i.t.y Counc:i.t <br />March 13, 1935 <br />Centcrvi_1Le Road ~~r. P,ut:ler ~sked i.f t4tey coul.d be a~l.lowed Co be;in Che permiC <br />Area (Cont.) nroce,s wh,ile the mora[ :is i_n place, as the process i.s ae <br />1.east: a n~onth ona~. Eiutl.eir i.r~formed thF; Co~incil th~C Chey <br />have proposed to bui.l.d a 30,000 square foot hi.~;h quali_ty offi.ce <br />space area Chat Che StaLe ~;aoutct use Eor ].i.censinb of Ceuclcs. 'i'hc <br />State would be thi.s space, so ther~~ woul.d bc taxes bei.n,s~, <br />naid on it. <br />?7r. Sohnson renor[ec( t:haC tt~e Stat.e wznt;s to bri.nt; to~,ether a11 of, its <br />di.v:isi.ons un~lcr Lhe !)enartmeni: of 'Cransqortat~ion Chat l.i.censes or <br />per.mi_ts vehicles. <br />tdrs. Scal.ze commented thaC even ~vith the wi.denin~; of the I.,i.ktle Canada <br />Roacl brid,a,e, there sti.11 be nrob7.ems at this intersect:~i.on. 'Che <br />onl.y other yr~y ouC of. the are~i caould be l:hrough resi.denti~il. nei.g,hborhoods. <br />Mr. Johnson asked i.f there were Qlans (or an i_nCerchange at f?d~;carton and <br />694. ~Krs. ?~Iard;i_ni repl.i.ed that CL'ier~ were noC as it is t-oo cl.ose to <br />35G and 694. <br />?4r. Darb Waldon appeared bc,f.ore the Counc~i.l. ~nd reported Chat h~e <br />pur.chased a p,iecc of propcrty in thtis area locaCed i.inder the power <br />li.nes in Seotember of 19H4. The property i.s zoned indusCrial. and <br />when he came i.n for a permit: t:.o bi.ri].d on the oroperty he was i_nformed <br />abouc t:he moraCOr~i.wn. P4r. Glaldon planned to bui7.d a 40 by ZS foot <br /> and ~.oould ooeraCe a trudc ma:i.nCenance shop fro~ri that siCe. <br />Mrs. Scalze informe~d '~r, r~raldon that t.he City iias adopted Appendix B. <br />P1rs. Scalze asked i.f. there ~aould be open sCOr,age of on 9_he <br />site. SJaLdon repl.ied Chat there would be. Fdal,don sCaCed that Che~y <br />have about 7_0 t:rucks and trailer.s, however, most are on the r.oad <br />~nd there would be about 3 store<I on the si.te at any ,~iven time. <br />Mr. Pahey sugaested that perhlps the Ci.ty's Ciir~etable coul.d be moved <br />i.ip in terms of. Che over.all plari, Pahey s[ated thaC ~7r. Waldori could <br />noC be exempted from Che moratorium. <br />P~ir. Tdaldon re~orted ttiat .he has to be out of, }iis present locat:i.on by <br />August l. and need.r, to g~t f;oi.i~~ on construction on this si.te. idaldon <br />sCated tFiat had I~e knoson about the moratorium, he ~voulcl never have <br />purchased tae property, <br />Mr. 6~lal.don a,lced if he shoul.d proceed with gettine plans drawn uP. <br />14r. i~ahey stlted that lie would do so at his own<. <br />Council discussed the timet~ble thaC could be set up k'or consi.deration <br />of. hhi, area that ~aoulcl hel.p F4r• G,'aldon ~nd N[r. Jonnson i,~y gett~ing a <br /> qui.c?<l.y. It was the of. tl~ie Coimci7. Chat the joint <br />, coith the Yl~xnn~ing and the Counci~l as wel.l. as <br />a£fecCe<t property owners and prol>erty oioners ~aithi.n 350 feet should <br />Page '°- <br />