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P9TNtJ'1'F,S <br />Ci.t.y Counc.i.l. <br />,~larch 13, 7.985 <br />Centervil.l.e Johnson stated th1t. t.hetr proposa7. h,as tal:en strcet:s ~nd drai.naige i.nto <br />12oad Area cons~,iderat~i.on and also they have tx•ied Co £it in wi.t:h the surroundin~ <br />(Cont.) zones. <br />Mr< I'~hey stated that it woulcl not be appropriate to lool< at the pl.ans <br />as tne Council has no intention o£ the moratoritun. Pahey <br />sugnested Chat ~1r. Johnson see t:h~ City Planner. and chaC i.C may be <br />ChaC the pi~n wi17. be worlcablr under a YIJD. <br />Mr. Johnson r.equcsCeel tl'~pxt he be 211owed to p,ive t}~e Cowicil. an overvi.ew <br />of_ the plain ~ind Y_hen thcy would be. more comfort~ble waiting ouC Che <br />moratori_um. <br />~[r. ?3utler of G t9. T3utler Corp. showed t11e Counci.l. 2~iature of_ i:ne <br />si.te as ~ic would lootc developed. T~ut7er ex~l.aiezed Chat there i.s an <br />undef;i.ned ut:ility c:as~meut in che area, 11so stait:ed th~it Che <br />property north of Ail.en wovld need soil. correct.i.on, Mr.. 13uC).er staCed <br />th~C a h~igher densi.ty devel.opment, such as apar.tments, <br />could not be a problem Eor them. <br />dSr. T1hey stat~d that: the City has enough apart:menCs and t:he Ci.Cy is <br />considerina an R-2 zonln~;. Pahey stated that ~.E the whol.e ~i.ece of <br />land ~acre -i_nvoived, i.t may be possi.ble Lo get tax i.ncrement f~i.nancinQ <br />on i.t. Pahey staT,ed that at [:hi_s point he was not opposed to anyt:l:iing, <br />excepC malci.n; a hasty decision. <br />Mr, :k3ui:ler explained tf~~e value to L~ittle~ Cant.ida by having S.ndust:ri.~l. <br />dE:velopment in this area tl~at would add 1,100 to 1.,"L00 ne.~v johs, not <br />only to the Ci.ty, but [he surro~n~d:i.nn areas and <br />the City's business areas. <br />Mrs. Vardi.r~1. ~slced i.F A.I.C. Corp, had opt~i.ons on most: of the prooerCy< <br />~1r. Butler re~pti~:d that they only own 1] acre.s of ~roperty, 7~ahey <br />poi.nted out that Che properiy is l.ocatecl r~,i.ght i_n the middle oE the <br />area consi.dered. <br />?7rs, Scalze sta9_ecl that th~ Ci_ty ha> a~roblem Chat there ~re a lot of <br /> i.nvol.ved ~Ln th~is~area and it oroul.d be if therc were just <br />one outner. <br />Mr. Fahey commented on the ~i_mprovement of All.en Avenue< P4r. :[~utler <br />stated tAaC their proposal woul.d i.nvolve no trafF.tia into the res~i.denti_a1 <br />area. <br />~!rs. Scalze ooi.nted ouC to ~"r. ?3utler thlt the city has ~ park land <br />d<edi.cati.on ord~i.nance. <br />P1r. Fal~ey aslced iE the t:[metable that !ae has presented wou'lcl pose a <br />probl.em for A.:C.C. Corp. ~4r. :fohnson repLi.ed that th-is d~~pends <br />on ti~e State's response Co the:i.r deve].opment; proposal.. <br />Paoe -7- <br />