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MINU'Pi?S <br />City Counci.l <br />March 7_7, t9fl5 <br />Gordies Mr. Sdi.lT.h explai_ned that the pull. tab operation on a would be <br />(Cont.) cai.thi.n a cerCai.n numher of. square Eeet desi.gnated i.n a lease agreement. <br />T}tis area cannot contai.n any equi_pment pereaining to alchohol.. Also <br />the pul.l, tabs cannot be sold by tlze bar.tender of. an establishment. <br />Nocaever, the or~ani.zati.on can employees of the esCablishment to <br />sell pul.l tabs, but this must be done wi.thin the square f.eet set aside <br />for that purpose. <br />Mr. Gli.lth reportec.t that they are putting together a bill. that wi.ll. <br />give a porti.on of. the percentage that goes to the State from Chis <br /> to the local p,overning body. 'Chis wi.ll be to cover the <br />cost of enforcement of the Law. <br />Mrs. Nardini asked cahat type of. law enforcement the Ci.[y wi11 have to <br /> <br />Mr. repli_ed that matters would be handled on a basis, <br />which might involve the sherif:fs stoppi.n~; and loolcin~ i.n on an <br />operation. lloorever, the Ci.ty woul.d be ~aith reputable non-profit <br />and chari[able organi.zations, should not pose much of a law <br />enf.orcement probl.em. <br />Mr, [ reported that right now they are debating with the State hocv <br />much the local bodies should receive from the SCate's percentap,e. <br />Mr. Tdilth aLso reported that the l.easor cannot se11 pu17. tabs, and only <br />employees of a li.quor establi.shment have been hired by the <br />chari.table organi.sation can sell L-he tabs. <br />Mr.s. Nardini i.ntroduced the resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RP90LU,T.ION N0. f35-3-132 - APPROVING THS GAMBLING <br />APPL,ICATION FOR ST. JOSEPH' S SOCIETY POR 'LI{E <br />LITTL~ SISTF,RS OF TI~IE POOR FOR A PULL TAP, <br />OPERATION AT GORDIES <br />The foregoi.n~ resoluti.on ~aas duly seconded by Mrse Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Collova, Pahey~ f3lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />'Chis resolution appears in Resolut.i.on T3oolc No. 12, Pap,e 130. <br />Servant's ,Tan Sherman, representing Servant 's of ~1ar.y, appeared bef.ore the Counci.l <br />Of Mary requesting approval of a~amblinn applicati.on f.or pu ll. l'abs at I3ra<ly's. <br />Gambling Sherman exp).ai.ned that ServanL-'s oF A1ary is a chari.t:abLe organizati.on <br />Applicati.nn money for the Li.tLLe Si.sCers of t.:he Poor, <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />Pa~;e -12- <br />