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MINUTES <br />Ci_ty Counci.l <br />March 27, 19R5 <br />Steneroden Mr. rahey agreed that the ci.tizens shoul.d have an opportunity t.o be <br /> helyd at Commi.ssi.on meetin,s and suggested that as a matter. <br />(Cont.) oE policy the Ci.ty shouLd notiEy citizens of these meetings. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the follo~aing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. II5-3-172 - DF.CLARING TIIAT idHENEVER <br />A PUI3LIC HEARING IS SCHEDIJLED ON THE COUNCIL LLVEL, <br />T}IAT NOTICPS 'LO CITI7ENS StlOULD INCLUDP: TIIE DATIi <br />TEIAT TI~IE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HLAR THE MATTER <br />The fore~; resoluti.on was duly seconded by 14r. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Collova, Nardini~ i3l.esener, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopte<l. <br />This resol.ution appears i.n Resoluti.on J3oolc No. 12, Page 120. <br />A member of the audience submitted to the Council a petition against <br />the ~roposed rezoning. The petiti.on was signed by all property owners <br />on iona Lane and i.n the County Road C area with the excepti.on of one <br />who could not be reached. <br />Mr. Pahey accepted the peti.tion and reported that he would submit it <br />to the Plannin,g Commission. <br />Mr. Ted 13ergstrom of 51 Iona Lane appeared before the Counci.t and <br />exoressed concern that this matter was considered in vi.ew of <br />the Comprehensive P1an and i.ndi.cations in tihe past by the Ci.ty that <br />the Lona Lane area wouLd be pr.otected by R-1 zones. <br />Mr. Fahey pointed out that cohen someone malces a request of the Council <br />f.or a rezoninp„ the Council i.s obligated to cal.l a publi.c hearing, <br />Mr. Fahey encourap,cclthose i.nterested i.n the proposal to attend the <br />April. 11 Pl.anning Commi.ssion <br />P1rs. Scalze introduceci the foll.owing resol.ution and moved its adopti.on: <br />RESOLUTION N0. R5m3-123 - CONTINUING Tfl~ PUF~LIC <br />IIEARING ON THE STF,NFRODSN RIi70NING PROPOSAL IJNTIL <br />APTER THP; PROP06AL HAS BL'PN REVIFWED T3Y 'PHE <br />PLANNING COi1MISSION AND UNTIL THE APRIL 74 COUNCIL <br />MEETING <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by hlr. I3lesener. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, I3lesener, Pahey, Collova, Nardini. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears i.n Resolution Tioolc No. 12, Page 121. <br />Page -3- <br />