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~zNUTrs <br />City Counci.l <br />Niarch L7, 1985 <br />Imp. 85-~a Mr. Pet:erson stated that he would lilce to review the breakdown of the <br />(Cont.) costs of the :improvement. <br />Mr. Pahey poi_nted out that the other property oroners involved are <br />noC present, theref.ore, the Council assumes that they clo not object <br />to the i.mprovement. <br />The P;ngi.neer commented that the assessments on the Peterson property <br />woul.d be roughl.y $26,000. The Peterson property is narroorer than <br />the SoEi.e property, but the F,nc;:i.neer i.s assuming that the north-south <br />road in thi.s ar.ea woul.d go entirel.y on the Sofie property. <br />^1rs. Scalze i.ntroduced the resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />Rl3SOLUT:[ON PIO. E35-3-1.27 - CLOSING T1IE PU}3LIC <br />IIF,ARING ON T.MPROVPMENT N0. 85-4~ <br />The f.ore~oing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. Coll.ova. <br />Ayes (5) Sca].ze, Collova, Nardini, i'ahey, I3lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resolution appears i.n ResoluCion ISook No. 17_, Page 125. <br />Mrs. aslced if the Ilammer an<i Witte were di.vidable, <br />and aslced if the Engineer Located the locati.on oF the homes on these <br />properties. The Pngi.neer stated that he i.s assuming that these <br /> can be spl.i.t< The Bngineer stated that the Ci.ty can assess <br />the Nammer and ?ditte and then the assessments unti.l. <br />the property is developed. The City has done thi.s i.n the past when a <br />property was not developabl.e due to the l.ocation of a house, and when <br />the property became developable, the assessments were no longer deferred. <br />Mr. Fahey i.ntroduced Che followinQ resoluti.on and moved its adopti.on: <br />R~SOLUTT.ON A10. £35-3-128 - TAL~LTNG ACTTON ON <br />I.MPROVET1rNT N0. £35-4 UNTIL THP: APRTL 24 <br />COIJNCIL MF,ETING <br />The Lore;oin; resolution was duly seconded by Mr. f~lesener. <br />Ayes (5) I'ahey, i~lesener,, Scalze, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution decl.ared adopted. <br />Thi.s resol.uti.on appears in 2esoluti.on T~oolc No. 7.2, Page 17_6. <br />Pa~;e -8- <br />