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MINtrTrs <br />City Counci.l. <br />March 27, 1985 <br />Text <br />Amendment <br />Communi.ty & <br />Neighborhood <br />Centers <br />A,n,enda <br />Ttem No. 8 <br />Mr. T'ahey noted that the Council failed to call for a public hearing <br />on the proposed text amendment f.or neighborhood and communi.ty centers <br />at the last Council meeti.n~;. The Counc:il. should do this tonight. <br />Tahey st~t.ed that the purpose of the amendment is to clarify the <br /> ordi.nance so there is a definition of nei.~hborhood and <br />community centers so there i.s no conPusi.on in the event there is a <br />request to place such a center in the school bui.ldin~s i.n Li.ttle Canada, <br />Mr. Fahey i.ntroctuced the fo7locainp, resoLntion and moved i.ts adopt:ion: <br />Ri'SOLUTION N0. 85-3-129 - CALLING POR A PtJI3LIC <br />IIFARING ON APRIL 24, 1985 ON 7'?lE YROPOSED TEXT <br />FaMPNDMFNT PP;RTAINING TO COMMUNITY C£,N'CER AND <br />NEIGHAORfI00D CEDITER <br />The, resoluti.on was duly seconctecl by Mrs., <br />Ayes (5) Pahey,, Scalze, Sl.esener, Co ll.ova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution decLared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appear.s in Resolut:i.on Book No. 12, Page 127. <br />Mr. Pahey requested that the proposed defi.nitions be sT.atecl in the <br />public hearing noti.ce so that the publi.c can review t:hem. Pahey <br />also stated that he would send a letter to the Commission <br />explaining the rational behind this amendment. <br />,Tohnson The City Clerlc noted that D1r. [-larry Johnson was not present. Mr. <br />Duplex Pahey sugges[ed that the matter. be tabled unti.l the appl.icant is <br />Matter present. F~ahey sugg ested that the Bui.iding Official loolc i.nto <br /> this matter. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 9 Mrs. Scalze aslcect if the .Johnson home was grandfatherect in as a duplex. <br /> The Pl.anner repli.ed that i.f the. home has not Ueen used as a<luplex <br /> for si.x months, i.t l oses its grandf.ather rip,hts. <br />Mr. Pahey suggesl-ed that the 13ui1di.n~; determine cohen the home <br />was ].ast used as a duplex, and i.f iC has not been used as such in the <br />last six months, i.nform Mr. Johnson that the home does not qualify as <br />a dupl.ex. <br />Per.erson The Planner reported that the site plan suUmi.tted by Peterson Maintenance <br />Mai.ntenance does not i.clentify loadi.n~; areas and parlcing areas. 'Che Pla~mer stated <br />thaf they would I.i.lce to see a f.ully developed si.te so they can analyze <br />Agenda setback encroachments. <br />Item r]o. I.0 <br />Pap,e -9- <br />