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bfNiJT°.S <br />Ci_t:y Counci.l. <br />Apr~i.l 10, 1.9~35 <br />Computer <br />System <br />( Cont:. ) <br />Voto comment~d that it ~p~~eazs that there is a$1.,300 addit.i.onal <br />charge for Che cash system. <br />^7r.s. Podominiclc staeed Chat she feel.s the matrers outl.ined by hir.. Voto <br />are a matter [or contract negotiati.on. Podominiclc stated that th~re <br />has been a decsease :in the hardware pr~i_ce of about p200. <br />?4r. Voto stated that the Ci.ty needs a clari_fi.caCi.on on Ch~ pri,ces and <br />also needs support Prom the local, vendor. <br />Mrs,, questioned if the Gity shot.ild not ace on t1~e maCtcr. i.mC:il <br />~it: has more concrrte <br />Mr. T'ahey asked i.f; Che Counc.i.1 shoul.d approve the purchase oF the hardwace <br />and aet on the sofCw2re at a later clate< 24rs. Ee1t that <br />tkte City should have the softw~ire packa~e before on <br />the hardware. *1rs. Podominiclc dic] not f.ee1 Chere woiild be ziny rerason <br />why the vendor would not be Co ne,oY.i.ate the. i.tems outLined <br />by Mr. Vot.o s,i.nce tl~ey verbally agrecd to these i.Lems beforea <br />Pahey su~;geseed that the ~ounctl. a1,>prove Che computer system subjecC <br />to of Che support that the Ci_ty wi.l.l. receive and the <br />pri.ces. <br />Mr.s. Podomin:(.clc stated that Ctie software comoany wil.1 se11 a maintenance <br />agreement anc( khe Ci.ty ori.l.l. be able to cal.l up and have quesCions <br />ansorerecl and rev~isi_ons ..and updaees or fi.xes to t:kie pacl<ap.,e. Podominick <br />staLed thaC the i.tem i.n questi.on is the price and the Ci.ty s}iouLd be <br />able to ne;otiate thi.s point. <br />hlrs. Scalze point:ed ouc that in Mrs. Podomi.ni_ct<'s recent proposal, <br />there i.s a pri.ce i.ncrease f.or ~er hour costs. <br />P4rs. Podomi_niclc stated that: thi.s aas correct. Podomi.nidc stated that <br />the proposal qtroted was tl~rou~,h the enci of 1.9A4 and there <br />P~as bean ~ price increase. <br />Scalze noted t.hat the inc~relse is 33%. <br />Mr. T'ahey poi.nt:ed out that: Chi.s is a proposal. for servi.ces tkiat: the <br />Ci.ty has not contrsicted for before= '1'he Ci.t:y is free to check <br />with other venciocs ~i.f it wishes. <br />iQr. Rlesener scaCed t}Zat Che proposal is for services over and above <br />the services conCract:ecl for 2 years a~o. 131esener stated tkiaC he <br />ficlt Podomi.niclc has [u1.f:i.l.l.ed her f.i.rst cont:ract. <br />Mr. P'ahtey stated tktat he i.s comf.ortabl.e wi.Ch the rate qiiotecl by <br />and he does not thi.nk i_t i.s l~ahey staCed Chat he was sure <br />the Cit_y ia~[11 s~et: its money's worth. <br />Pe~~ge -2- <br />