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raznttcrrs <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />Apri.l. 1.0, 19fl5 <br />CompuCer ~lr.. Fahey i.ntrodi.iced the followin~; resolution and moved i.ts adoption: <br />System <br />(~pn~, ) FESOLiJTIO~ N0. ~3.5-4_147 - AlITI~1,ORI'/,Ir1G JEAN <br />PODOM7DlICK Ai~D 20111?.RT VO'S'0 TO PN'CEH .T,NTO <br />PURC'•.iASE AGREEMPAI'L ~IEGOTIATIONS ON BFiFIALT <br />OF~' 'Pl~tk? CITY 'FOR 7'I~1'7, PURCI~IAS7" 07? AN ~IBM A'L <br />COMPIJTF.Ii PisR TtII;IR P.PCOMMfi~DA7'SOT1 INCLUDING <br />SOF7'WARt:i YACKAGP ?^7ITH CI.~ARIPICATION OT' 7'kiFs <br />EUTURE hiODIL'ICATIONS .9ND SiJPppR7.' SERVICfd <br />Pi20VIDPD ~Ii] TtIT; COi1TRAC7' ArRI?EMF,NT AS 1?liR <br />'CH~. DTSCIISSION TOVI_r,i-17' <br />Tue foregoi.n,a, resolut:i.on Loas dul.y seconded by Mrs. <br />Ayes (5) 1'ahey, Dlardini., i3l.esener, Collova, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />KesoluCi.on clecl.ared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears ~i.n Resol.ution I3ook No. 1.2, PaF;e 14'S. <br />N[rs> introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RPSOLU7'IODt N0. AS-4-1~Ff2 -- AlJTk10PT2ING 'I'}U: <br />IC[PING Oi~' CONTEXT SYSTE`QS ASSOCIATES TO <br />PROVID}!: BE,RVSCiCS TO 'f.IdE C'.LT`C AS S};7' i'On'LFI <br />j~ ~'t11ZIt2 PP.OPOSAI, <br />'Che f:orego~.Cng resolution w~s dtil.y seconded by Mr. BLesener. <br />Ayes (5) Nar.dini., Alesener, Scalze, Co11ov~, P~hey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declacec! adopted. <br />Thi.s resolution anpears i.n Resotuti.on 3oolc No. 1?_, I?age 1.46, <br />Johnson ~[r. Jolinson of 515 V:iicing ~)rive appearecl bef:~re th~ Counci7. requestin~; <br />Dupl.ex the City approve h;is home as a duplex. P-Ir. Johnson explained d:~at <br />Matter mhen he built the home i.C o~as approved as ~ dupLex ancl he has used it <br /> as such over the years. Ilowever, i_n Che past year iC IZas not been <br />A,n,enda usect as a dupl.ex. <br />Item No. 5 <br /> Mr. ?~ahey stated that i.n the per m:i.CS, :i.t was noC <br /> noted on thc perm9.CS th2t the ho~ise was a duplFx. Also, the plumb~ing <br /> permit notecl one lci.tchen, <br />rahey commented that it i.s not apparent to Che City thaC the home <br />has been rented as a duplex i.n the past si.x months. <br />Mr. Pahey noted that the Ci.Cy has a new ordi.nance; dupl.exes. <br />A1so, i.t is not supoorta:d in Ci.ty records tl~at the home w1s or:if; <br />bui.'tC as a duplex. <br />Page -3- <br />