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MINU'CPS <br />Ci_ty Counci.l <br />A~riJ. 2~F, J.9F~5 <br />Z:i.etl.uor The Foreg,oinpr, resoluti.on ~ass duly seconcled I~y Mrs. Sca14e. <br />Variance Ayes {51 Nardini„ ;c~lze, 13lesener, Collova, F~ihe.y. <br />(Cont.) Nc~yes (0). <br />12esoluCi.on derl.need adopCed, <br />Tki~is resolution appears .i.n Rcso].uttor~ 1',oolc ~10. 12, I'2~,e ].93. <br />'Pexl Mayor~ 1'c~Ahey opened ehe publi_c hear~ing on a proposecl Cext: amendment <br />~mendrnent defini.n~ commmii.ty center.s and neighborhood centers. <br />Communi.ty <br />&~?eig~hborPiood St ~aas not:ed th~C the J?lam~in~ Cornmissi.on Cleiri.ed the ~roooseci definit2on. <br />Centers NDrs. Scalze aLso poinCed out tl~nt; thF ;?1a~n~i.n~ Co;nrnissi.on di_cl noe get <br />a1.1 the ~.i.nFormatton until af:Cer the~i.r meeti.n;. <br />Agenda <br />IT.em D7oe 9 Mr. Pztul Iior._~ of. 2370 Jackson Street and Assistant Super;i.ntendenh. for <br />t:he Itoseville Schoot ])i.sCri.ct apoear.•ed 'uefore the Council.. T1r. ior4; <br />sT.ated Chat hie f~e:l.t Che were a ro~sult of the acti.on ot <br />the Schoo~ 6oard rep;ard Co l<el.los;~ ~li.,h Scl~~oo1. ?•4r. i3org po~inted <br />ouC that th~ fate of. P,ellof;g remai.n, Co be seen. <br />~lr. 'Rorg stated t:htat he fel.e tP~e Langua~;e. ~i.n Che clef,iniGi_on cuas <br />redundent. :3org ,Ee1t tltaC Section ~20.020 already covers the siCUation. <br />i9r. llors~ p~~inted out that under the pcoi~used dcf-i.n~iti.on even con~.ecf;aCe <br />di.ning would not: be allowed. <br />13ort> ~~oi.nt~~cl out that: even t:he C;i[y Center would not be i_n <br />com~l.i_unce wiCh Che zonins;. <br />Ror~ pointed that ~linnesota StaCUtes :123.36 Subdivision 10 A& C <br />says that a School T3oard may lease a school. house to any person or <br />or~;anicaCi_on. 13or~; fe1.C that thie stat:ute i.mpl.i_ed Lheit ~ Scht>ol lloard <br />has so~ne iri.~;hCS z, Co che uses of school. housces. <br />Mr. t;org reque,Ced Cheit Che (;i.ty not enact tl~e proposed defini.[:i.ons. <br />P^,rs. 5cal.ze potnY.ed ouC that tlie Statutc di.d not say t.haC t:he School <br />D:i_str.:i.ct could ;:ict outsidc Che zon~.i.i~ig code. <br />Nr. liorg :i.nfonned Che Counci7. t:.nat ~ahen Che Schoo1. J)isCri.ct plann~d for <br />['air.v~iew Juni.or Iligh's use, it ~1~.v~loped. a close; worlci.~ig r,el.acionsiiip <br />wi.Ch the City of Rosevil.le. "f.he School Di.stri.cC ~lid not chosr t:u <br />i~nore, the's zonin~;< 'Phe Ci.Cy cooperaCecl and the School. D.istr~i.ct <br />cb:~per3ted. 'Ch~e Sct~ool. Di.str~i.ct has m~ide tlie bu~ilclin~ avai.labla~ to <br />many or~;ani.zat:i.ons inclu~~in~; seni.or ci.ti.zen con~regaCe <iining. <br />P4rs. Scailze asked Che different uses at: Pai.rvj.ew. D~lr. Uob 13ei.rskia.ed, <br />Assi.sCanL 1')i.rector o£ Comm~mi.ty ~ducaCi~~n, a}~peared be£ore tP~e Counc.i.1. <br />Siershied stated Chat the n~~ajority of uses arc; cornmuniCy u,e space. <br />Pa;e -11- <br />