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PIINUT'c;S <br />Ci.ty Counci.t <br />April. 24, 1935 <br />7'e:ct 13iecaheicl staited that Che bu~i.'ldi.n~; is usEd extensivc~ly by the community <br />Amenc6neaC 5 l/2 d'ays pnr we~elc. <br />CCont.) <br />Scrn7.ze a;ked iE Che m~ijorit:y o;. the. use ~aas educaition and recreation and <br />t:he otl;ier uses whi_cPi ~re paying rent, are tlte bu~ildi.n~;. <br />P,,iershei.d replicd ~haC this i.s correcC. ~3ier~sh~id stated t:kiaC thc:re <br />arE± 7.4 di.[Eerent 7.casee, in tt~e bui.l.ding. 'x3~iershei<t scat:ed Chzat there. <br />are other ci_ties i.n the iletro txrea ai_t.h uses Co I'ai.rvi.ew's. <br />Kr. Iilesener lsked i.[ tfiere were ~uy or.ganizati.ons. <br />Mra Rorg ren7-ied tl~at there were not as the School. District. did no~ <br />wariC to hav~ Co pay property taxes ori the buildin;;. (3or~ poi.iiC <br /> th~at the School Distr~.ict cloes lease the La1ce Owasso Sek~iool to <br />Group ?d Cable. a~~d the:y p~y propcrty taxes on i:hat bu~ilding. <br />i9r. 731esener cominentecl th<<t Clie de.Eini.tion of education can be very <br />broad. fil.esener asLced th~ Council.', i.' on tlle `CouCh <br />I;ure~u. ;1r. L'ahey commenCed Chat l~~e dicl not consider that organizat~i.on <br />to be educat~ional or rec:reati_onal.. <br />~[r. ;;lesener stated [hat he. felt tPie proposed CexC a~nendinenC wa, Y.oo <br />narrow ancl f.el.t t~~~at eclucational, recreeational and human scrvi.ces <br />should be ~i.ncluded. <br />5calze asked if: then tl~ie Cicy could end up a ja~il. ,i.n t:he bui.tcli.n~;, <br />J?leserrer. fe7.t tt~aC the bui.ldinp., should just be i.ised by sucrounding <br /> <br />P1r. Faihey sC~iCed [hat he had nu probl.em ~ai.tki expandi.n~ the defi.nition <br />i_n the f:uture iF the ord:inance proves to be too resCri.cC~ivE. x~at~ey <br />Ee1.C tl~iat tkie Council. sl~~ould have i.nput and conero]. in <br />thc^. decis:ion process -in Ce=.rms oL what ~oes in tne <br />i'ahey stated thaC lie clicl not ~oant to see an~thiri~; done abrupCl.y. <br />~'ahEy f~elt ti~aC opei~ meetings shoud~l be hel.d and d~isctissi.ons 1'ielcl <br /> Cl~e commwli.ty. <br />[iikiey staf:ed t:1~iz~L i.F "Ce17.ogg cl.oses, he woulcl 1~ilce Co see some proposal.s <br />made to Che C;iCq. Pahey poi~~iCed out ll~at Che property is pub:l.ic and he <br />woul.d like to seo i_t useci as >uch. <br />i'4rs. Scalze stutecl that L~i1:Cl.e Canada is a srual.l C:ity wi.(:}i a lairge <br />amount of public ].ancl thaC is off Cl~e r_ax rol,ls. Scz~lze fe1C t;haC <br />Little Czinada ~:~ras too sm~1.1 a City to provicle spoCS for Ram~sey <br />County and Fe].t tL~is type o[ t:61.;~g I~el.onge:d :i.n a lar~er Ci.t:y. <br />ilr. k~a,~ey cli.,~~greed thlt the City would not ii1 ~mder thc. <br />clef~ini.t.i.ons proT~osed. I'z~hey poi.nCed ouC that pr.esetitly tlie <br />O:i.ty has a l~clc o,E ainy defi_ni.tion. <br />Pa~e -12- <br />