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t1T Nll'Cf? i <br />Ci.Cy Council <br />Apri1 24, 193`1 <br />'CexC Scal.ze commenCed that the Ci_ty's prohlem i.s t_hz~t. there i.s no def, <br />Aroendment and that th~is was an ov~rsi_ght at the the ord:i.n~ance was wri.Cten< <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. ISor~ quegtioned eal~iat ~i public regu.i.ated uti.tit:y !'~u.ilcling was <br />under Che or.~dineanc.e. i[r.< 'P'ahey f.e1t Chat: thaC svas obvi.ous, <br />E3org poi~~Ced ou[ that. ther.e <are~ a numbe~r of: tMn~;s Chat are not <br />cle~f:i.ned under tl~~e ordinance. <br />i'a1~ey Fel.t iC wa, Eai.r to both si.des to hzzve some undersCandi.n~, of what <br /><1 comm~inity cerxt:Er ~:vas, and £elt i.t was appropciate for th~ Coi.mcil. to <br />look aC use, it fec;ls appropri.ate< <br />Scal.ze pointed out: i:n1t most publi.c uses in the CiC:y are surrounded on <br />three sides by ee:>idential. Sca1z~ pointed out I:.he pcoblems the~t tlte <br />City h~id when t1~e Old L,i.Ctle Canada School. ~aas soLd and the <br />City was asked to chan,~,e the zoning on the buzlding a, t=1e new ocvner <br />could not malce a] under the publ.i_c zonin~. <br />I;or•g stat:ed that the School D~tsteict: made no prorn~ises Co t:he pux~chsser <br />of.' the Ol.d Little Cenada School, <br />>calze st~t:ed that sh~ would l,i.kc the code defi.ned ~aell. enou~;h so that <br />t:he City wi.11 not ]~ave tl~ese proulem:; ~in the future. <br />T'ahey fel.C that Che C~.ity woulcl be rece~~tive to di_scuss~i.rig c,ian{;es <br />to the Code i.n the fuCUre. <br />`Qr. I3or; stated Ch~zt: the~ School D~i.str~i.ct has ei defin:ic~ion :in its mind <br />of whaC a community center is ancl th:is is r~pa~esented aL Fairview. <br />I~org stated thaC there i.s an Attorney Gener~.i.t's op~inion ~xbout the <br />1a4+ and a matter of balance of po~acr. }3or.g sCated that. there should <br />be a balance oP powec between the two, <br />SctilzE~ point:ed ouC that: there is no fi.nzil. decis.ion on any schools ai~~cl <br />no users f.or Ct~e property, Cherelore, the City is not ,ayi.nb no t.o <br />anyone, 'Che. Ci.Cy is just saying thaC it would lilce soine cont_rot, <br />`Che CICy ca~nts t.o l.ook out f.or its c.-i_tizens and homeoc•inerse The. <br />City has the. righL to define Che code. <br />Scal.ze sCated that i.n the futurc i.f Chere is a use proposed for Che <br />bui7.ding, she did not thi.nk t:he Council. would be cl.osecl to any discuss;i.on. <br />Mrs, K:~rolyn Kinosbury ;uggesked th~t rather t:han mal<e a decis~ion tonighC, <br />perhaps t:he Oo~mcil shoutd tour 'I?airview a~~d talk to School Di, <br />personne7. eind try to come iq~ something Cliat hoti~ pa~rties can ).ive <br />co i. t:h . <br />I'ahey f.c:1C that Che C:i.Cy stioulcl h,~ive somethin~:; i.n th~e, ordinance Chat it <br />can worlc froin. <br />'1'he City Attorney Le1.C that the Counci.l. was on trtxclc by to de$ine <br />Che ordii~~ance. <br />Page -',I.3-- <br />