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~,zrnrr;:s <br />City Couiicil <br />tlpril ?_4~, ] 935 <br />)?raiilc Kath ?1r. Pranlc Kath tipl~eare~ before the Counc:il request i ng appiroval. of <br />i'r.operty Cl~e div~.isi.on of hi.s property on P4orr-ison and Oe-mont into f.our 1ot.s. <br />D i_ v:i. s i. o n <br />i~1r. 1'~hey poiriCed out CLiat Che Ptannin~ Commi_ss~ion x•ec.ommeride<I <br />Ag,enda appr~oval. o[ the division by a 6 to 2 vote. <br />Item ~lo< 1?_ <br />Nlr. Fata~y po.i.nCed out that wtder Ci.ty Code a divi.sion oI moee than <br />tl~ree lots t~tis t:o be platted. <br />'Chere wc~s soine d~i.scusai.on thet~. the property was plat:te<I in 1970, <br />but the plat ~aas never. ('i.led. i;1r. LL~th ,Cated that some of C:he <br />lot l.i.nes are changed Irom tPiis 1970 p1at. <br />The City Atton~ey[:ed oul ChaC the pl~eseric prok~osal is di.f'f,~erent <br />[rom tlle onc presenCed to the Ci.ty in hiarch of 1970. <br />iyr. Pahey stated thaC he had no problem w:iCh the~ clivi.sion, buC <br />po:inCed ouC thaC th~ property must be plratted tmcler the ordi.narice, <br />i`-Irs. Sc~l.ze poi.ntecl out that Che Plann:ing Cocmriission would tike to <br />see ~i dr~tina;e pl~n £or thF ProoerCy. <br />~1r. Fahey suf;~esC<~~d t:hat: 1~1r. IZat1~ ~>roceed caiCli a p1~tC a~~d bring the <br />matter back Co the Cotmc~.i.l. <br />'I'riaChlon Nir. P,ennett Yarsons, represenCing TriaChlon Pdinnesota ~ippeared bef.ore <br />I~[innesota the Counci.l.. Mr. Parson ,reported that the triathl.on wi.l.l. go through <br /> I~-i.Ctle Cailadl, ancl he is reqt.iest.-C ng 1pp~coval o.f. the Counci.l Lor t,he <br />L~~encla use of Ci.ty roads< <br />"Item No, 17 <br /> F(r, parsons explainecl the route tPiat che tri.aChlon wil l tat:e. 'f}.ie <br /> tri.athlon wil'l be held o~i S~u~iday, Ju1y 7. <br /> ;°(r. Parsons presented t:he Counci.l c, a certiLi.cate of. i.nsurzince for <br /> L~ittle Canada. <br />Mrs. Nard?.ni ~int:.roduced tk'~e ~resolue~ion and movec,l its c~dopt:i.on: <br />Iti?SOI~[7'C:f.ON \0. Ej5-4-1.98 - APPI:OVSNC, 'CI~1Ii tJSt: <br />OF LI'CfLI'i CAAIADA' S ROnD`a nlJR.ING 'Ct~li6 'CR~IA7°7LL~ON <br />M1:61~I1~:S0'CA "f0 fiE 1~tf.7.,D SWDAY, :(ULY 7, 7.f~E35 <br />The Yorc~;o:i_nt; resol.i.i[:i.on was duly secorided P>y Mr. 1'slesener. <br />Aye, (5) ~lardini., BLesa~;ner, Pahey, Scailce, Col.l.ova. <br />tlayes (0). <br />Reso7.ution decl.arec( adopted. <br />'Lhis cesolut:~i.on appears i.n ?Zesol.ution T3oo1c Dlo. ~1.2, Pcige 7.98. <br />Page -lJ- <br />