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~,~if.iJU'CrS <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />April 24, 19t35 <br />I?ublic Fleari.nt; t4r, Fakiey re~~ort:ed thaC t.he City Counci.l has received a 1et:Cer Irorn <br />On Pa17.£ields the 'Paric Commi.s,i.on ~incl Jirn regardi~i~ ballfields. 'L'ahey <br /> su;gesCed that the Counci.l cal.l for a 1~uUlic on the locati.on <br />Agenda ancl ~urchase ~of ballii.elds in thc Ce ntervi.ll.e Road area, <br />Icem tdo. 13A <br /> +~1r. liahey :inCrocluced the £o1.lowinp, r- esolut:i.on <ind rnoved iks adoption: <br /> RlSOLl1T:CON N0. SS-4-1.99 - C~LLING :~OP A PU13L~LC <br /> I~IL;~IRING F'OR r4AY 7_2 019 TLIL; LOCA'CIOp! Ol+ BALLFL73I,DS <br /> IDI Tll~ INllUSTRIAI. A1:7sA Oi' ClN'LPRVI LI,P ROE1R AC!D <br /> Ttlli PURCtIAST? OF SIJCl-I I~'I~ I~ DS <br />Tk~F foire}~,oirtg resolutio~~ was <Iu1y seconded by P4c, Collova. <br />Ayes (.5) Pahey, Co,l.lova, 131es;ener, Nardi.ni_, Sc.~l.zc. <br />i?ayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopcecl. <br />Th~i, r~;olut:ion ~ippears -i.n :f3ook No. 12, P~f;e 199. <br />Used Car i~[r. C'~ihey su~;gested thaC the maCter of used czir salr;s be ref:ereed to <br />Sales the Planning f.or tl~ieir opi.nion. <br />A~;enda i4r;. Scal.ze suggested that tt~e C~i.Cy Clcrlc furnish Che <br />Item No.l.~s Comm~.i.s;.ion caiCh t.he :informaCion about: hoa otkier dea'1 w:i.Ch <br />used c<n- >ates< <br />Mr. ?ahey i.nCroduced t:t~e follocv:in~; resolution and nioved i.ts a~oZ~t:ion: <br />RiiSOI.UTI0P1 ~0< £35-4--Z00 - 131i,I'~12RI~dG '('Hli A~IAZ'7'I?R <br />Oi USL•'D CAf.: Sl1I,L';S 'LO 'P7li? YI,ANDi7.NG COD'Ii~1Ii5:I:ON <br />FOR t\ RIiCOZ~IC-11iND~1'CIOpi <br />The f.oregoing resolut:ion was duly secondc:~d by Mr. Co1l.ova. <br />Ayes (`i) 1~ahey, Co7.lova, Scalze, va~rd~ini_, ~I;lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution ado}~ted. <br />'L'hi.s resoluLion appears in Resolut:ion 'lloolc No. 7.2, P;~~e 200. <br />Over~use Of. :.`~h°>. Sc~ilz~ asked Mrs. Nardi~ii. lier thoughts on overuse oL px~operty as <br />ProperCy she ref.erred to earl~.ier in ci~~e meet~ing. <br />Agenda ^?rs. poi_nted out that in the i4cColLoch ~: development, <br />Addit:ion the properCy was presented as PIJD i.n order to , et P~ui.ldin£;s w:i_Cti:in <br /> :i.nch es of Cli e property ;L~.ine. N,trdi.n~i- fel.t thac if, i1rs. Klein s~ar~tecl <br /> to d e.velo~, Chen Che City would have to ar~prove the same Chin~; Lor <br /> her. <br /> `~ir. Co7.lova pointed out ChaC i,Kr. Narstad aske~d about coridemnation aiid <br /> tY~e C~ity d;i.d noC ~oanC to do t:h:i.s. Dlo~a tlte Ci_ty wi.l.l. end up cvith sli.vers <br />P~~ge -t~3-- <br />