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rltniura:s <br />c;.cy c~~ur,~~~. <br />M~y 1, 19~i5 <br />T'ahey £e1L that tkie CiCy shou7.d have a plan and aeC up a di.str:i.cC, so <br />thet in t.he f:uture the City does noC t~~ve t=o scrape funds Co~ether to <br />pay .Eor storm sewer improvement:s. Pahey f:e1C that when a cievel.op~r <br />comes i.^ Che CiCy should requi.ra~ ±:hat storm sewer,s be i.ncluded as ei <br />~>arC oE t:he project. <br />2,1r. C2rl.ey ~ointed ouC t:he on Cente>rvi.~le Road that needs to be <br />r.eplaced tat an esCi.mat:ed cost oF ~~50,000, <br />Krs. Scal.•z.e poi.nt_ed out thaC Ctie neighborhood she ].i.ves in drai_ns -i.nto <br />Maplewood. ques;ti.oned why sk~c, should havc; to p~aq incretis~d <br />taxes for st.:orru s~wer pro iects in the Cit.y. Mr. Collova cornmented <br />that 1 J.ot of ,~~op1e i.n Ghe City w~,il1 >ay tht~t the-y do not: coiit:c~i.buCe <br />Co the Ci.ty's drainap,e. <br />'Che 7';np,i.neer statFCl eh2t Yor these reasons, Che City could have more <br />problems i.n to rassess these project:s th~^ i.L a dreinage di.strict <br />caere set up. <br />i[rs, Nmrdini_ asl<ed i.f the City will be responsibl.e for clesininn up Che <br />water ir~ ~titches before. i.t f;ees to Chc: lake. Mr. Earl ~3ancrofC of <br />Par.r E;n~;LneerinF;, represer~ting tlte Cd<it.ershed DisCrict, repl.i.ecl tl~ac at <br />some point i.t. ~ai.l.l. be a 7.oca1 to do tlii.s and pay for i.t. <br />}lowever, Chc 6Jat:ershed will provi_de Ch~~ p].en. Yancrof[ c.ommcnted that <br />requiremenCS may geC st~i.fPc~r Ln Che E~iture, 'Che pri.mary moC,i_vatc~r wil.l <br />be the publi.c the l~xlce< <br />13ancrofe commented th~t [here~ are as rns~ry cl~i.£terent ways oF <br />storm seuaer inanagement: as Chere are <br />Fahey as!ced ~i_E a CiCy-~aide;e'i.cC ~vould impaeC on th~ 'nlatershed. <br />t;anc.rofC re:pl.~i.ed that i.t woutd not. <br />liahey Felt [ItaC under a C:i.ty-so;€;e projects ,uch as <br />Che CenCerv~i.lle Road culvert ful.1 and devel.opers would have to <br />pay Chei.e ocon way. 7'he I;n~i.neeir state<I that th;is i.s what he had in m~.ind. <br />i:irs. Nardini aslced why C1'i~i.s c~Gl.verct was so expenslve< T'hc Sint;ine~~r <br />replied that i.C is t_wo 3(~-i.nch pipes ~oi.nY Coget.he.r i.nt:o a 4~8-i.ncn <br />One of tJ~e pin<as is collapsed, <br />l~ahey sCated th~it t:he C~ity needs a way Co get Einanc~Lnf;. <br />~~rdi.ili. po:i.nted out thz3t Che dr~inap,c di.stricc corieept i.s on1.y a <br />diff.erenC way t_o do what tkie C~.i.t:y is alre:ady <br />T4rs. Sc~ilce asLced whut the cut--oLl caould be for the. coyC oE an i.mprovenent, <br />Farnhain sug~;estecl Chat the Ci.ty have to batch i.mprovement; under <br />:S50,000 to~~ether. <br />Pahey suE;esced tk~aC if: ,t:ox~m sewer is put i.n along Demont, the pro~erty <br />ocaners should be assessed on t:l~~e 80-20 basis. The Cngineer commen[:ed that <br />StaCe t#~i.d would p<~y for parC. o~~ i.:h~ts :improve:nent. <br />Pa~e -[H._. <br />