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05-01-85 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-01-85 Council Workshop Minutes
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,., I n109' I3 S <br />City Council. <br />i~tay 1, 1.935 <br />£ahey stzlted Chait the C:i.ty has; to h~ve a cri.teri.a ~i.n ordNr to te7.7. peop7.c <br />why Che CiC~ is as.e;>in~; some projects and not others. Nardini sCaCed <br />I:hat the projeci:.s i.n whicli cho cost is spread ovei~ t:he entire CiCy, <br />evenCi.i~~Ll.y benefit the. entire Citq. asked :if: t'i~ere were problen <br />~rcas fha~ needed immedi.aite ~Ctention. 'LhE 3ngineer rc;pl;i.ed that the <br />Cr.ut.ervi_ll.e Road are~i cul.vert i, Chc only one immed~.LaCe attention. <br />'Lect Johnson state.d th;,u: act:i.on Cl~a[ t:he Ci.ty talcc:; for. the First ~rojecCs <br />wi.71 sec a precectent. <br />[~"ah<<:y 2;I<eel i.E thrz City cari ',I.evy 80% of tl~c cosC of a projecC. and assess <br />20%. ils. DyrseCL~i ataCed Chat ~if.~ the 230-"LO breal<down i.s used, the Ci_Cy <br />does not neecl to set up a d~i,trict, Plowever, i,f ch~n 20% oP a <br />project wcre to bc ~~ssessecl, ivithout a disCr~.ic[, ttie City ~aou7.d ):~ave to <br />no ~o a re£er.endum. <br />Parr~ham conuneni:ed thaC if. the Ci.ty uses Che 80-20% brea(cdown as ie has <br />~in the past, Che City has Co prove benef.iC. Scala.e commFn[ed thzC <br />assessing 20% would bc 7.ess oE a probtem as r.he City only k~as to prove <br />a 1_0% benefit:. <br />6~zirdini felt that there were surne properties thet coul.d not even be <br />assessed Che 7_0%. <br />I'ahey aslced ~vhaC the CiCy would r,Io if Uie Dianna Lane residei~ts demanded <br />tl~ai:. t:he. 1a!<e be- c:l.eaned up beeause kl,ie City h,as clone storoi sewe.r_ work <br />on I)emonC. R~hey stated thaC he Eel.t the distri.ct ~idea ~oas a good onc <br />and Chat the City should set up cri.teri.a tor ~vh~t: can bc~ xssessed and <br />whet: ca~i be ?ev~i.ed. Fei;~iey >uogested t1iaC the CiCy may I~ave Co re1.y on <br />tkie Council's good judgrnenC. Fahey di.d not think Cha~ mosC residenLs <br />in the City would be h~ippy wi.Ch paying 4, costs to cLean up Che <br />1ake. <br /> pointed out ChaC the C:i.ty i_s al.ready overt~lo~a cki~irges. <br />f~7.esener paLnted thtiC Ch~ who1E City is ctrain:i.n~; ~in I.,alce Gervai.s. <br />P4r. Ilancro,fC reported t;hat the County has t:arn~d over CJ,te cliccl~es Co <br />t:hc Water_sned and the [dater>hed ~aii.l be t:hem o~~er t.:o the City. <br />A1rs. Scxlre fel.t that the Ci.ty woul.d I~t~ve ;ome probLerns under a clrai.nage <br />cli,trict. '1'he 1'sn~;Ineer poi_~i[ed out tha~ everyone in the CiCy drai.ns <br />into I,ake Gerva~i.,, except Poe Lhe ;rnall. ,~orL;.on l:ftat: first dr.ains :i.nto <br />Malole.evoocl ancl i.nen into Lalc~ Gervai.s. <br />P'ahey scate~l tl~iat he c.annot see tl~e City undert.xkin;, r~~ll.ion doltlr <br />projects under ttii.s set-up. k'ahey f:~lt thr~zC the UcmonC si.tue.~tion >houlcl <br />not: ~e corrected ~mtil Che u~c:d i, really there. <br />~~[r. Farnham sug~;ested that the l:nhi_neee~ pr~i.ori_t~i.z.e the projects Eor t:he; <br />City ancl ].isi Ctiose, that are cr:i.Cica1. <br />P"iF'>~ -.5._. <br />
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