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r~t;vo•res <br />C;.ty counc;.l. <br />~tay 1, 19H5 <br />The. I:ngineer expl.a~i.necl Chat the ~oi.nC of thc poridiri~ is to hol.el bacl< <br />some of the water. <br />The Gn;;:i.neer. sC~Ced Cfizrt: a 60-;.nch p-[pe would provi.cle [or a I.-~ycar <br />rai.n. Mr. Pahey aslced i.f tkie City ~voulcl be t~~tCer oi:f a 72-i.nch <br /> which woul.el hai~idle. ~a 10~-year rai.n. Thc c"rigineer. i.i~di.cated Ch~it_ <br />Chere was noC much cosL difFErence between the two pi.pos. <br />'Che 1Ln~~i_neer also expla~i_ned th2t currentty therc are two 3?.-~i_nch pi.pcs <br /> i.nto a ~F£?-~inch pipe. <br />Mrs. Seal.ze ~isl<ecI iE t>oth [he 32--inch pipes and the 4d-i.ncli pt~>e oroutd <br />be replaced, Th< 5n.p,i_neer repli.ed thaC the.y had not ~nt,i.cipated <br />replac.Ln~ Che <<S~-inc11 ~i~~e. <br />i4r. Alesener as!ced iF by tlie area a1] at once, iE the Ci.ty ~o~ill. <br />have r~roblems down Che line, <br />N~rdi.i~i felt that ret=aininp raater holdi.n~ ponds wes very ~.imporCant. <br />John Pin-~zc7ii of C~urley & Associates stated tnat: C:he 1-year rate ~,~as <br />Che slowast rziC~ and wes preferab7.c. <br />Alr 3uncroft sCated that Lna~. Di.strict', h.i been to encoux~ige regiorial <br />sroem waCer retenci.on, and I~e would dEfine ponds ls being re'y,~i_ondl. <br />}32ncroft stat.ed ~I'iat Ci~ie porid concep~ :i.s much rnore consi,,t¢nt w.i.Ch t:f~ie <br />Watershed Dist,:ricC's pol.:icy< <br />Paliey ~astced i.E ponds A,:ind C o~ere one or Cwo ponds. ~'uvachi. re~~~l:ie~d <br />that they were Cwo ponds wiCi~ a di_CCh i.n between. <br />Ted Johnson stat<ed th~it t.he soiiCl,~~aest corne~r oE the area whcre t1l.len Aeenue <br />ancl DeSoto meet; is caoodo~d and weC. Jolin,on u,lced i.f the poncls sho~ar~ as <br />I3 and C would rel,ieve Lhe w~ter i.n thait coirner< T'uracJ,i,i_ repli.ed that. <br />[:hey woul.d and noted th~xt thc l.oczitiors of the ponds are not fi.xed. <br />Johnson sl.ated tP~at he is :i.n f.avor of the po~~~ding indi.cated in D~.stricts <br />13 and C, <br />i'atiey note~d CIiaC any devel.opers would have to comply wiCl,~ tl~~e pondirig, <br />Pahe.y ~slced i_f sCorm sewer would be the r.esponsi.b~ility o[ t.:hc devel.op~re <br />Th<a P,ngineer reS~l~ied that iC ~aou7.d &nd noted tltaC storin se4~er ~~~~ not <br />shown on Cne plan becr.use there was no po:int in J.ayi.n~ Chat: out until. <br />:i.t is determinerl how the proj~~erCy coill ctevelop. <br />NJr. Johnson stated i_l;~at zt sooul.d be pre,f:ern6le Lo have surf:ace dra:i.nage, <br />1~ireachi ,Cated that: natur~~1 drz~ina;,~e is prqfcrable, buC ii: Cheire i> ~ <br />probl.em, would tiave to be put in. <br />Paf;~ -~ - <br />