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i~CC P] UTL; S <br />CiCy Counci.l. <br />P4ay l, 1985 <br />Mr. Jok~nson stated ehat: i.t would be coise to design thG ~ond.i.n~ of t,:he <br />area Co hel.p i.n cne ot [he residant~ial. proper.Cy alon~ lleSoto. <br />h7ar~lin.i. staced thac i.f the pondin; caer.e ~ut up f.o DeSot:o~ tJ,ie.n the <br />inclustria]. developers woul.d h~~ve ~o accept C1te asses>ment for DeSoto <br />SCreeC ancl not have any acetss t:o iC. ,7ohnson staCed [hat hc~;*,a~s <br />wi.lli.q~; to explore thi.s. <br />Scal.ze also statecl that there coul.d b~-~ a Ci.eJ- o,C: sinnl.e [e,irni.l.y homes <br />raest of De>oCO and. ~he ponding located behind tF~em. <br />It xppet~ired that iKrS, Scalze f.e1.i: tf~e sCrongest of. the Cousici.l.m~mbers <br />that the ~rca ~;~est oL pe>oCO should be zoned R-1, Other inembecs <br />i.nd~i_cated that chey ~aere i.n favor oE a hi.~her dens~i.ty <br />i1r. Johnson rc.posCed thaL one ~~~coperCy owner .in tlie area ha.s indicated <br />t:o that: lie ~aoi.iid rather ;ee indusCr.ia1 c,tevelopment: alonf; DeSot.o, <br />than residenti_al as there wou7.d be less i.mpact on the are~. <br />Blesener po~inted oirt thaC :in thaC case ctie ~i.ndusCrial property o~•~ners <br />would }iave to pay .Eor. DeSoto, buC not use it. <br />'~(r. '131esener staited that i_n 7~.5~[, Chc pond, tailces up so much <br />room that t.:hec'e would noC be room for bail7.Pic,lds< Mr, Collova asi<ed <br />about the eleveitio~i of: the are~i. <br />~1r. I~i.irachi stcited t:hat the desi,~+n ~oas based on J`~i.e1d i.nve;Ci_~at:i.on. <br />Mr. r~xheq stated thaC he ~aould l:ilce to know hooi this draina~e Eits ~.into <br />Che b~11f~i.eld arel< 1"ahey sGated that the CiCy could aclopt Ckie dr~~i_nage <br /> at Cl~ie ~[ay £3th Counci.l meetin~;. <br />'t'he Pln;ineer recomnend~d tl~at Che C~.i.ty adopC A],Cernative III with Cha <br />l.-year rain provi.si_on< <br />Johnson pointed ouC that the d:i.Ffe~rences between ALCcrnatives II and I:I:C <br />were vol.umc of~ ,tora~e :i.n the poncls as we11. as tlie 1--year versus 10~~-year <br />prov:i,ion. <br />P1r, 137.esener roas concerned t:haC 7:TI, Che C~i.ty may have <br />Co buy 20 acres of properCy eaCli~r than 10 orr 12 irt orda~r to l,~ave enougPi <br />room (or~ ba1.1f':i.el.ds, <br />Scalze sta[ed that she tltou~;ht Cl~at Chcr.e was a pleiri fouc ballfielcl; <br />and a pond that f~it. <br />Pal~ey su~;€,ested t:hat Ji.m d9or.clan ~aoel< wi.t:h Che City [;n&.i.ncer on Cl~e <br />bal.lEi.eLd p7.nn to det:ermine ho~a ~iC. wi11 fit toith t:he Th~.ts <br />should 'oe available aC tl~e ?Atay 22nd <br />Page -£3- <br />