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;~i7 ~lJ'CES <br />C~i.ty Counc-i_]. <br />~1ay I., 19F5 <br />The ?;ng~i.necr reported the~t he i.s the noeth ttur~:e ponds, <br />and i.he other pond shown on Che plan ~i.s already ex:isr~in,q. <br />i-ir. I31c,ener f.e1c that he Eavore<I a combinati.on of PLen~~s II ~md IZI. <br />i3lesenes stated that the l;~iCy may =.oant to draw of[ t:he drainaf;e oL <br />the ~rea Easter, but ~aould have Co Look at the cEf.'ect <Iown sCream. <br />R1es~-:ner nas worri.ed that thc woul.ct ha.~e to I:~uy too mi.ich properCy. <br />~~ah~y su9,~~stcd C1~iat tk~e~ Cnf;ineer do some fiel.d ~aorlc as to Lhe ].ocati.o^ <br />of the ponds and worl< witlt Jim ~for~lan ~nd Ai.l.l as Co cahere <br />ba1.1E~i.eJ.ds would Ei.e in. <br />Mr. Collova suggested that the tingineer slcetah out the si.zr-. of. th~ <br />pond. <br />Mrs. Scalze asiced who will p:~y the proper,Cy owner. to have x pond on his <br />property. Il~ie Engi_neer repli.ed tl~~at ~.i.s where the ~i.dea oP u <br />drai.nage di.sCr.~ict comes i.n> Pahey sCated t.hat tlie develope.r would have <br />to put tF~e pond i.n and de;dicaCe i.C to the CiCy. <br />~,lrs. Scalze asltc~ I~iow Ckie pro~erty owner 2 poi~d contribuCes <br />!~i-is sharc< 'L},te T,n~ ineer re~1~i_ed th<~[ the ponds would be ~a parC of. Che <br />st.orin ,eivee systern. 'Che CiCy could put. tlie poncL i.n and assess che <br />cost bazc!< agairist Che ~enetited }~roperties. <br />[~-ir. Jol~nson sug;ested that there coul.d be neaotiataoris beC,aeen the Ci.ty <br />~ind developers ovei- p~irlc l.and and ponding. Mr. Pahey coinmented thaC Che <br />ne~;ut~iations must be fair to a1L. <br />~r. Collova stated that: it appcars that unless thcre i.s e devel.o~~er coi.Ch <br />contro7. ovcr ta la,r;e pi_ecct oE cllis property, Chere are goi.n; Co be <br />problems. <br />Mr. t~"at~ey si.ig,s;ested Chat once the C~i.Cy set:s th~~~ direc~i.on ~nd pol.icy, <br />the property owners may wanC someonc t:o devel.op the property for tPiem< <br />Mr. i3encroft commented that the existlnF; po~d i.n the arezi rnay fa7.l w~cler <br />Che )u, of. the llNR. 7'hc .ta[~.ed ChaC hie would check thi., <br />out. <br />Nir. Pahc~~y si.ig~estecl C.~~at the Counci.l. thint< about 7T and :CII. <br />Tn tne meantinie, ch~ L;n~;ineer ~.iiU work ~aith Jim M1ioi-elan on Che looati.on <br />of tind [l~e comparison oL s~i.ze o[: the ponds i.n tl~iese~ trao <br />alternati.ves. <br />'Che !3ngi.rieec t'al.t Ch~it. thi; co~ild be di_scussed ori May 3th and ever,~yth:i.rig <br />*dr~zped up I>y ~tiy 27.. <br />Pahey telt that Ghe~~ (:ouncil. coul.d rido~~Y, the clraina~e E~lan on Ch~ 2'l.nd <br />(~or use as a cool in the d<~vel.o~~ment oF thJ.s area. <br />Pagc -9- <br />